Punto de Vista Economico ~ "There is only one difference between a bad economist pomen ure and a good one: the bad economist confines himself to the visible effect; pomen ure the good economist takes into account pomen ure both the effect that can be seen and those effects that must be foreseen." Frederic Bastiat
That was the topic of a conference organized by the Center for Free Enterprise at West Virginia University that took place on Saturday, April 25. The conference was divided in two sessions: one where theoretical aspects of NGDP were discussed and another that took a more empirical approach to the matter. I presented in the second session on how to spot if NGDP targeting is, in fact, too loose.
Besides the presence of Scott Sumner, pomen ure probably the best known proponent of NGDP targeting, other presenters included Thomas Hogan, pomen ure Alexander W. Salter, Ryan Murphy, pomen ure Joshua Hendrickson, Robert pomen ure Lester, pomen ure and Vipin Veetil. While all papers endorsed NGDP targeting in one way or another, at least as a superior norm to other principles such as price stability or the Taylor rule (Hendrickson pomen ure and Lester), the papers also focused on either if this holds under a free banking system (Salter) or if the rule could put the economy in an inferior equilibrium (Hogan). pomen ure Even though I found all presentations interesting, I ll briefly comment on just two of them.
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