Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Besides the presence of Scott Sumner, pomen ure probably the best known proponent of NGDP targeting,

Punto de Vista Economico ~ "There is only one difference between a bad economist pomen ure and a good one: the bad economist confines himself to the visible effect; pomen ure the good economist takes into account pomen ure both the effect that can be seen and those effects that must be foreseen." Frederic Bastiat
That was the topic of a conference organized by the Center for Free Enterprise at West Virginia University that took place on Saturday, April 25. The conference was divided in two sessions: one where theoretical aspects of NGDP were discussed and another that took a more empirical approach to the matter. I presented in the second session on how to spot if NGDP targeting is, in fact, too loose.
Besides the presence of Scott Sumner, pomen ure probably the best known proponent of NGDP targeting, other presenters included Thomas Hogan, pomen ure Alexander W. Salter, Ryan Murphy, pomen ure Joshua Hendrickson, Robert pomen ure Lester, pomen ure and Vipin Veetil. While all papers endorsed NGDP targeting in one way or another, at least as a superior norm to other principles such as price stability or the Taylor rule (Hendrickson pomen ure and Lester), the papers also focused on either if this holds under a free banking system (Salter) or if the rule could put the economy in an inferior equilibrium (Hogan). pomen ure Even though I found all presentations interesting, I ll briefly comment on just two of them.
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Comentarios recientes Alejandro Sala on El debate Hayek-Keynes: fraca… Nicolas Cachanosky on El origen del dinero y el pape… Jaime Narbon (@Narbo… pomen ure on El origen del dinero y el pape… pepe parada on Límites al abuso de poder: lím… Martin on El origen del dinero y el pape… marcelo on Dos interpretaciones sobre el… Martin on Imaginando la política económi… pepe parada pomen ure on La baja frecuencia con que se… Sergio on Un empresario brindó por el ca… ROMULO LOPEZ SABANDO on Un empresario brindó por el ca… pomen ure Sitios Amigos Corporate Training Fundación Bases Revistas Académicas Advances in Austrian Economics Cato Journal Critical Review pomen ure Econ Journal Watch Economic Affairs Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics History of Political Economy (HOPE) IDEAS (by RePEc) Independent Review Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines Journal of Libertarian Studies Journal of Private Enterprise Journal of the History of Economic Thought Laissez Faire Libertarian Papers New Perspectives on Political Economy Procesos de Mercado Public Choice Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics Rationality, Markets and Morals Reason Papers Review of Austrian Economics Review of Austrian Economics [1987-1997] Review of Behavioral Economics Review of Political Economy Revista pomen ure de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercado (ex-Libertas) Studies in Emergent Order The Journal of Prices and Markets Bibliotecas online Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History FEE Library Henry Hazlitt Archives Library of Economics and Liberty Marxist pomen ure Internet Archive Mises Institute Literature Online Library of Liberty The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics The Library of Law and Liberty The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online Tags
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

2009 (30) January (25) February (2) March (2) January (1) 2010 (336) January (38) F

Robert Lester Folsom - "Ginger" from Mexican Summer on Vimeo. Another of those curious cases in the world of música.Disco and artist who goes completely unnoticed at the time and because of a reissue cv bankas captures some attention from fans. An employee of a record store, which had been part of different bands decided to record an album in a professional studio in Atlanta called -Music and Dreams- (1978) of which 1,000 copies were made. Like most fans, having a family to decide on a safe workplace, painter casas.Tocando for your local version bands for fun. Panda Bear and listen cv bankas to the recordings are reissued on the independent label Mexican Summer Brooklyn in 2010. Now in 2015 home recordings are reissued but continues his work painting houses.
Clip music sounds like a cross between the Eagles and Doobie Brothers in the late 70s, also has a touch Frampton, cv bankas I hear you put disks. Regards, Reply Remove
Music and Dreams, a suggestive title, another good musician trying to make their way in the jungle of American music, a story somewhat cv bankas reminiscent to that of Rodriguez, damn musician in the end he found his moment of glory in South Africa ... Too times in the history of rock, being a good musician was not enough. Thanks for the recommendation and congratulations on your birthday, Martin! When you say we take a beer and celebrate. Reply Remove
60s (69) 70s (241) 80's (160) 90's (65) Songs that if (38) Translated lyrics (5) Concerts (32) recommended discs (89) rock Stories (44) lists (8) lists the year (36) News 2014 (58) 2015 New (11) reggae cv bankas funk soul ... (65)
3 hours ago
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Faves of 2015 (Vol. 1)
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2009 (30) January (25) February (2) March (2) January (1) 2010 (336) January (38) February (32) March (7) April (7) September (18) October (117) November cv bankas (45) December cv bankas (72) 2011 (264) January (50) February (25) March (38) April (21) May (22) June (25) July (4) August cv bankas (3) September (22) October (16) November (22) December (16) 2012 (384) January (46) February (47) March (36) April (27) May (30) June (19) July (20) August (27) September (35) October (29) November (29) December (39) 2013 (215) December (46) February cv bankas (32) March (30) April (14) May (18) June (15) July (8) August (6) September (7) October (9) November (13) December (17) 2014 (134) January (20) February (14) March (12) April (12) May (10) June (9) July (7) August (9) September (10) October (11) March (9) December (11) 2015 (34) January (15) February (7) The Ronettes The Waterboys - Robert Lester Folsom November Tale The Fraidies-Try it Again. HEAD! Pond - It Feels Like Space Man Again JD McPherson: "Let The Good Times Roll" March (4) April (4) May (3) June (1)
If you can afford it, buy the discs, CDs of artists that you like. But if not, at least go to their concerts, merchandising and buying beers consumed them. (But please while playing: quietly)

Monday, June 1, 2015

How is the traditional day in the life Svala Björgvins?

Vsir - Dreams Svlu Bjrgvins be realized
Cool Björgvinsdóttir is much to list proposed. The song is her bones and she is happiest when creativity is allowed to flourish every day. In summer she walks into marriage with their heittelskaða after 19 years of contact and the first clothing line of her, KALI comes on the market. Life spoke with Svala about the wedding, music, Steed Lord and the new fashion line.
You have now lived in Los Angeles for over four years, how you experience the glamor city? "I tile cleaning had one foot in LA since 2000 and know the city very well and have always tile cleaning loved this city. I have not directly experienced it as one of the glamor city because here generates all kinds of people, not just the famous and rich people. Of course, much of pathologically rich people here, but so you will not run unless 20 minutes downtime LA and you see all the other side of the city. It's really the number of homeless people and poor people who tries to help in some way. There are for example, four old homeless men who live under the bridge in our neighborhood tile cleaning and we provide them with regular food, clean socks, tile cleaning blankets and pillows. This is something that I can never get used and whenever I like people on the street then I want to help them . " Artists Life Petry says Los Angeles offer everything between heaven and earth, but you can go hiking, the beach and even skiing. "We have a lot of close friends in the city and are long prepared to shoot down strong roots. Here is always good weather tile cleaning and cheap and easy to have a good time. I suggest that those who come to LA to visit are in people who have lived in the city for several years because tile cleaning you do not get a true picture of the city unless you are among those who live here. Otherwise, you're just on Hollywood Blvd. and in any touristy confusion that I personally feel REALLY boring and not particularly interesting. There are so many beautiful places in Los Angeles that is worth looking at, and it is possible to experience the city in different ways. " Where is the "home" in your mind? "Home for me is where I and my husband Jeff live together."
How is the traditional day in the life Svala Björgvins? "My days are very varied. I work as a freelance artist and I'm always working on something. It just depends on what's going on. For example, now we were in Steed Lord to write a song for the American component of So You Think You Can Dance and took days to prepare tile cleaning a version of the song and marketing, but we have our own record company. The days are therefore never really like that there is always something new projects in progress that one undertakes. The only thing to be an independent artist is that you never know what the next salary come. Therefore we are always with fingers in many projects that can survive on the list. But I would never want to have this different. I love being able to work with what I worship and coma and can be creative every day. " tile cleaning It comes for you to miss the cold snap in the heat and sun? "Yes, sometimes tile cleaning I miss Icelandic v

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters World Corporate Governance The Work of th

About us The origin of the project Portal nonprofit Association What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy The World NGWS Corporate Governance - The new group of world servers Adhyatma Social Services Network Therapy Association KARANA ONLINE COLLABORATION Become a member and collaborating for 1 a month Join our team of volunteers Payment CONTACT donations to send your query here Want to post your information here? Subscribe to weekly email Subscribe to email newsletter for professionals LINKS Cookie Policy dolly rockers Privacy Policy
Virtual city of the Great White Brotherhood spiritual Community and esoteric digital magazine for personal growth and natural medicine, alternative therapies and esoteric, spiritual journeys ...
NEWS CATEGORIES Opinion articles Interviews Spiritual Cinema Books for the Soul Arts Spiritual Meetings and Conferences Congresses Convivencias group Global projects Meditations Music for the Soul Documentaries Releases Outstanding Team Information
REC3 - Christ energy grid Meditations on 3 levels Triangles Network Energy Services IICL - International Index Circles of Light Meditation Groups Working Groups Service Groups Social Network adhyātma Uniting People and Projects Discover other shared space like you
What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters World Corporate Governance The Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy NGWS - The new group of world servers dolly rockers CATEGORIES MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN (click here)
Archangel Anael Angeles Archangel Chamuel Archangel Gabriel Archangel Jophiel Archangel Metatron Archangel Michael Archangel Rafael Archangel Uriel Ascended Master Djwhal Khul Zaquiel Gautama Buddha Kuthumi Hilarion Joseph of Nazareth Jesus Lanto Maitreya Mother Mary Miriam Morya Lady Nada Lady Lady Lady Portia Vesta Lady Rowena San francisco Asis Sant Germain Entities and Adama Cosmic Masters Ashtar Sheran Goddess Lakshmi Elohim GAIA White Brotherhood Cosmic Ishmael KIRAEL Kryon Kwan Yin Melchizedek The Divine Mother Hathor Muriel Sanat Kumara dolly rockers SPIRITUAL AUTHORS ARCHIVE - CHANNELS (click here)
Alice Ann Bailey Abjini Arraiz Anthony de Mello Annie Besant CW Leadbeater Beinsa Duno Celia Fenn Connie Mendez Conny Huebner Daniel Jacob Drunvalo Eckhart Tolle Eileen Caddy Geoffrey Hoppe Gillian MacBeth-Louthan James Redfield James Tyberonn Josefa Rosalia Alvarez Luque Julio Andres Torres Pagano Kenna Louise Lee Carroll There Mario Liani Marlene L Swetlishoff Natalie Glasson Neale Donald Walsch Kribbe Pamela Patricia Cota-Robles Paulo Coelho Rhea Powers Robert Fisher Ronna Herman William Q. Judge Steve Rother
WISDOM CATEGORIES crop circles Chakras Astrology planetary changes Shamans Ancient Civilizations energetic decrees Crystals Esoteric Sacred Geometry Evolution Great White Brotherhood interprets your dreams Karma Kabala Mandalas Places dolly rockers of Power Management of Metaphysics Meditations Mantras Energias Numerology Grid Energetica Hermetic Sufism Simbologia Topics Popular Topics initiatory Templar Interpretation Theosophy Astrology Numerology Dowsing the psychotronic Grids dreams Energeticas Topics Recommended dolly rockers The Great Invocation Angeles Metaphysical Approach cosmic connection with land minds Spiritual Festivals
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Talks Spiritual Retreat Workshop Training Courses Online Therapy Online Free Services Personal Growth and Development, Psychotherapy, Coaching, etc - Family Constellations, Gestalt, EFT, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Laughter Therapy, Rebirthing, Sexology, Tapping, NLP, Psychology, Educational Psychology, Psychotherapy etc ... Diet and Nutrition - Macrobiotics, Holistic Nutrition, Natural Nutrition, Oligoterapia, etc ... Herbalists and natural products - Wellness, Natural Cosmetics, Nutricosmetic Natural, Organic Products, Mineral, Metamorphic Technique, etc ... Traditional and Natural Medicine - Acupuncture, Aromatherapy dolly rockers , Shamanism, dolly rockers Doulas, Flower Essences, Bach flowers, herbal medicine, homeopathy, kinesiology, iridology, naturopathy, Tantra, Floral Therapy, etc ... Medicine and Alternative Therapies - Biodescodificación, Bioenergetics, Biomagnetismo, Bioresonance, Decodes, Magnet, Spiritual Response Therapy etc ... Music, Voice and Sound - Art Therapy, overtone singing, Tibetan Bowls, music therapy, etc ... Energy Therapies and Esoteric - Astrology, quartz and crystals, Enneagram, Feng Shui, Sacred Geometry, Magnifield Healting, Clean Energy and aura Reiki , Akashic, regression, Tarot, etc ... Manual Therapy - Craniosacral, Lymphatic, Physiotherapy, Kineseología, Chiropractic, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, etc ... Body Therapies, Movement and Dance - Biodanza, Dance Therapy,

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What is the Great White Brotherhood? how to decorate your room The Ascended Masters World Corporate

About us The origin of the project Portal nonprofit Association What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy The World NGWS Corporate Governance - The new group of world servers Adhyatma Social how to decorate your room Services Network Therapy Association KARANA ONLINE COLLABORATION Become a member and collaborating for 1 a month Join our team of volunteers Payment CONTACT donations to send your query here Want to post your information here? Subscribe to weekly email Subscribe how to decorate your room to email newsletter for professionals how to decorate your room LINKS Cookie Policy Privacy Policy
Virtual city of the Great White Brotherhood spiritual Community and esoteric digital magazine for personal growth and natural medicine, alternative therapies and esoteric, spiritual journeys ...
NEWS CATEGORIES Opinion articles Interviews Spiritual how to decorate your room Cinema Books for the Soul Arts Spiritual Meetings and Conferences Congresses Convivencias group Global projects how to decorate your room Meditations Music for the Soul Documentaries Releases Outstanding Team Information
REC3 - Christ energy grid Meditations on 3 levels Triangles Network Energy Services IICL - International Index Circles of Light Meditation how to decorate your room Groups Working Groups Service Groups Social Network adhyātma Uniting People and Projects Discover other shared space like you
What is the Great White Brotherhood? how to decorate your room The Ascended Masters World Corporate Governance The Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy NGWS - The new group of world servers CATEGORIES MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN (click here)
Archangel Anael Angeles Archangel Chamuel Archangel Gabriel Archangel Jophiel Archangel Metatron Archangel Michael Archangel Rafael Archangel Uriel Ascended Master Djwhal Khul Zaquiel Gautama Buddha Kuthumi Hilarion Joseph of Nazareth Jesus Lanto Maitreya Mother Mary Miriam Morya Lady Nada Lady Lady Lady Portia Vesta Lady Rowena San francisco Asis Sant Germain Entities and Adama Cosmic Masters Ashtar Sheran Goddess Lakshmi Elohim GAIA White Brotherhood Cosmic how to decorate your room Ishmael KIRAEL Kryon Kwan Yin Melchizedek The Divine Mother Hathor Muriel Sanat Kumara SPIRITUAL AUTHORS ARCHIVE - CHANNELS (click here)
Alice Ann Bailey Abjini Arraiz Anthony de Mello Annie Besant CW Leadbeater Beinsa Duno Celia Fenn Connie Mendez Conny Huebner Daniel Jacob Drunvalo how to decorate your room Eckhart Tolle Eileen Caddy Geoffrey Hoppe Gillian MacBeth-Louthan James Redfield James Tyberonn Josefa how to decorate your room Rosalia Alvarez Luque Julio Andres Torres Pagano Kenna Louise Lee Carroll There Mario Liani Marlene L Swetlishoff Natalie Glasson Neale Donald Walsch Kribbe Pamela Patricia Cota-Robles Paulo Coelho Rhea Powers Robert Fisher Ronna Herman William Q. Judge Steve Rother
WISDOM CATEGORIES crop circles Chakras Astrology how to decorate your room planetary changes Shamans Ancient Civilizations energetic decrees Crystals Esoteric Sacred Geometry Evolution Great White Brotherhood interprets your dreams Karma Kabala Mandalas Places of Power Management of Metaphysics Meditations Mantras Energias Numerology Grid Energetica Hermetic how to decorate your room Sufism Simbologia Topics Popular Topics initiatory Templar Interpretation Theosophy Astrology Numerology Dowsing the psychotronic Grids dreams Energeticas Topics Recommended The Great Invocation Angeles how to decorate your room Metaphysical Approach cosmic connection with land minds Spiritual Festivals
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Talks Spiritual Retreat Workshop Training Courses Online Therapy Online Free Services Personal Growth and Development, Psychotherapy, Coaching, etc - Family Constellations, Gestalt, EFT, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Laughter Therapy, Rebirthing, Sexology, Tapping, how to decorate your room NLP, Psychology, Educational Psychology, Psychotherapy etc ... Diet and Nutrition - Macrobiotics, Holistic Nutrition, Natural Nutrition, Oligoterapia, etc ... Herbalists and natural products - Wellness, Natural Cosmetics, Nutricosmetic Natural, Organic Products, how to decorate your room Mineral, Metamorphic Technique, etc ... Traditional and Natural Medicine - Acupuncture, Aromatherapy , Shamanism, Doulas, Flower Essences, Bach flowers, herbal medicine, homeopathy, kinesiology, iridology, naturopathy, Tantra, Floral Therapy, etc ... Medicine and Alternative Therapies - Biodescodificación, Bioenergetics, Biomagnetismo, Bioresonance, Decodes, Magnet, Spiritual Response Therapy etc ... Music, Voice and Sound - Art Therapy, overtone singing, Tibetan Bowls, music therapy, etc ... Energy Therapies and Esoteric - Astrology, quartz how to decorate your room and crystals, Enneagram, Feng Shui, Sacred Geometry, Magnifield Healting, Clean Energy and aura Reiki , Akashic, regression, Tarot, etc ... Manual Therapy - Craniosacral, Lymphatic, Physiotherapy, Kineseología, Chiropractic, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, etc ... Body Therapies, Movement and Dance - Biodanza, Dance Therapy,

WISDOM CATEGORIES crop circles Chakras pooper Astrology planetary changes Shamans Ancient Civilizat

About us The origin of the project Portal nonprofit Association What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy The World NGWS Corporate Governance - The new group of world servers Adhyatma Social Services Network Therapy Association KARANA ONLINE COLLABORATION Become a member and collaborating for 1 a month Join our team of volunteers Payment CONTACT donations to send your query here Want to post your information here? Subscribe to weekly email Subscribe to email newsletter for professionals LINKS Cookie Policy pooper Privacy Policy
Virtual city of the Great White Brotherhood spiritual Community and esoteric digital magazine for personal growth and natural medicine, alternative therapies and esoteric, spiritual journeys ...
NEWS CATEGORIES pooper Opinion articles Interviews Spiritual Cinema Books for the Soul Arts Spiritual Meetings and Conferences Congresses pooper Convivencias group Global projects pooper Meditations Music for the Soul Documentaries Releases Outstanding Team Information
REC3 - Christ energy grid Meditations on 3 levels pooper Triangles Network pooper Energy Services IICL - International Index Circles of Light Meditation Groups Working Groups Service Groups Social Network adhyātma Uniting People and Projects Discover other shared space like you
What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters World Corporate Governance The Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy NGWS - The new group of world servers CATEGORIES MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN (click here)
Archangel Anael Angeles Archangel Chamuel Archangel Gabriel pooper Archangel Jophiel Archangel Metatron Archangel Michael Archangel Rafael pooper Archangel Uriel Ascended Master Djwhal Khul Zaquiel Gautama Buddha Kuthumi Hilarion Joseph of Nazareth Jesus Lanto Maitreya Mother Mary Miriam Morya Lady Nada Lady Lady Lady Portia Vesta Lady Rowena San francisco pooper Asis Sant Germain Entities and Adama Cosmic Masters Ashtar Sheran pooper Goddess Lakshmi Elohim GAIA White Brotherhood Cosmic Ishmael KIRAEL Kryon Kwan Yin Melchizedek The Divine Mother Hathor Muriel Sanat Kumara SPIRITUAL AUTHORS ARCHIVE - CHANNELS (click here)
Alice Ann Bailey Abjini Arraiz Anthony pooper de Mello Annie Besant CW Leadbeater Beinsa Duno Celia Fenn Connie Mendez Conny Huebner Daniel Jacob Drunvalo pooper Eckhart Tolle Eileen Caddy Geoffrey Hoppe Gillian MacBeth-Louthan pooper James Redfield James Tyberonn Josefa Rosalia Alvarez Luque Julio Andres Torres Pagano Kenna Louise Lee Carroll There Mario Liani Marlene L Swetlishoff Natalie Glasson Neale Donald Walsch Kribbe Pamela Patricia Cota-Robles Paulo Coelho Rhea Powers Robert Fisher Ronna Herman William Q. Judge Steve Rother
WISDOM CATEGORIES crop circles Chakras pooper Astrology planetary changes Shamans Ancient Civilizations energetic decrees Crystals Esoteric Sacred pooper Geometry Evolution Great White Brotherhood interprets your dreams pooper Karma Kabala Mandalas Places of Power Management of Metaphysics Meditations Mantras Energias Numerology pooper Grid Energetica pooper Hermetic Sufism pooper Simbologia Topics Popular Topics initiatory Templar Interpretation Theosophy Astrology Numerology Dowsing the psychotronic Grids dreams Energeticas Topics Recommended pooper The Great Invocation Angeles Metaphysical Approach cosmic connection with land minds Spiritual Festivals
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES pooper Talks Spiritual Retreat Workshop Training Courses Online pooper Therapy Online Free Services Personal Growth and Development, Psychotherapy, Coaching, pooper etc - Family Constellations, Gestalt, EFT, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Laughter Therapy, pooper Rebirthing, Sexology, Tapping, NLP, Psychology, Educational Psychology, Psychotherapy etc ... Diet and Nutrition - Macrobiotics, Holistic Nutrition, Natural Nutrition, Oligoterapia, etc ... Herbalists and natural products - Wellness, Natural Cosmetics, Nutricosmetic Natural, Organic Products, Mineral, Metamorphic Technique, etc ... Traditional and Natural Medicine pooper - Acupuncture, Aromatherapy , Shamanism, Doulas, Flower Essences, Bach flowers, herbal medicine, homeopathy, kinesiology, iridology, naturopathy, Tantra, Floral Therapy, etc ... Medicine and Alternative Therapies - Biodescodificación, Bioenergetics, Biomagnetismo, Bioresonance, Decodes, Magnet, Spiritual Response Therapy etc ... Music, Voice and Sound - Art Therapy, overtone singing, Tibetan Bowls, music therapy, etc ... Energy Therapies and Esoteric - Astrology, quartz and crystals, Enneagram, Feng Shui, Sacred Geometry, Magnifield Healting, Clean Energy and aura Reiki , Akashic, regression, Tarot, etc ... Manual pooper Therapy - Craniosacral, Lymphatic, Physiotherapy, Kineseología, Chiropractic, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, etc ... Body Therapies, Movement and Dance - Biodanza, Dance Therapy,

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Alice Ann Bailey Abjini Arraiz Anthony de Mello Annie Besant CW Leadbeater Beinsa Duno Celia Fenn C

About us The origin of the project Portal nonprofit Association What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy The World NGWS Corporate Governance - The new group of world servers Adhyatma Social Services Network Therapy Association KARANA ONLINE COLLABORATION Become a member and collaborating for 1 a month Join our team of volunteers Payment CONTACT donations to send your query here Want to post your information here? Subscribe to weekly email Subscribe to email newsletter for professionals LINKS Cookie Policy Privacy Policy
Virtual city of the Great White Brotherhood spiritual Community and esoteric digital magazine for personal growth and natural medicine, alternative therapies and esoteric, spiritual journeys ...
NEWS CATEGORIES Opinion articles Interviews Spiritual Cinema Books for the Soul Arts Spiritual Meetings and Conferences Congresses Convivencias group Global projects mr muscle Meditations Music for the Soul Documentaries Releases Outstanding mr muscle Team Information
REC3 - Christ energy grid Meditations on 3 levels Triangles Network Energy Services IICL - International Index Circles of Light Meditation Groups Working Groups Service Groups Social Network adhyātma Uniting People and Projects Discover other shared space like you
What is the Great White Brotherhood? The Ascended Masters World Corporate Governance The Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy NGWS - The new group of world servers CATEGORIES MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN (click here)
Archangel Anael Angeles Archangel Chamuel mr muscle Archangel Gabriel Archangel Jophiel Archangel Metatron Archangel Michael Archangel Rafael Archangel Uriel Ascended Master Djwhal Khul Zaquiel Gautama mr muscle Buddha Kuthumi Hilarion Joseph of Nazareth Jesus Lanto Maitreya Mother Mary Miriam Morya Lady Nada Lady Lady Lady Portia Vesta Lady Rowena San francisco Asis Sant Germain Entities and Adama Cosmic Masters Ashtar Sheran Goddess Lakshmi Elohim GAIA White Brotherhood Cosmic Ishmael KIRAEL Kryon Kwan Yin Melchizedek The Divine Mother Hathor Muriel Sanat Kumara SPIRITUAL AUTHORS ARCHIVE - CHANNELS (click here)
Alice Ann Bailey Abjini Arraiz Anthony de Mello Annie Besant CW Leadbeater Beinsa Duno Celia Fenn Connie Mendez Conny Huebner Daniel Jacob Drunvalo Eckhart Tolle Eileen Caddy Geoffrey Hoppe Gillian MacBeth-Louthan James Redfield James Tyberonn Josefa Rosalia Alvarez Luque Julio Andres Torres Pagano Kenna Louise Lee Carroll There Mario Liani Marlene L Swetlishoff Natalie Glasson Neale Donald Walsch Kribbe mr muscle Pamela Patricia Cota-Robles mr muscle Paulo Coelho Rhea Powers Robert Fisher Ronna Herman William Q. Judge Steve Rother
WISDOM CATEGORIES crop circles Chakras Astrology planetary changes Shamans Ancient Civilizations energetic decrees Crystals Esoteric Sacred Geometry Evolution Great White Brotherhood mr muscle interprets your dreams mr muscle Karma Kabala Mandalas Places of Power Management of Metaphysics Meditations Mantras Energias Numerology Grid Energetica Hermetic Sufism Simbologia Topics mr muscle Popular Topics initiatory Templar Interpretation Theosophy Astrology Numerology Dowsing the psychotronic Grids dreams Energeticas Topics Recommended The Great Invocation Angeles Metaphysical Approach cosmic connection with land minds Spiritual Festivals
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Talks Spiritual Retreat Workshop Training Courses Online Therapy Online Free Services Personal Growth and Development, Psychotherapy, Coaching, etc - Family Constellations, Gestalt, EFT, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Laughter Therapy, Rebirthing, Sexology, Tapping, NLP, Psychology, Educational Psychology, Psychotherapy etc ... Diet and Nutrition - Macrobiotics, Holistic Nutrition, Natural Nutrition, Oligoterapia, etc ... Herbalists and natural products - Wellness, Natural Cosmetics, Nutricosmetic Natural, mr muscle Organic Products, Mineral, Metamorphic Technique, etc ... Traditional and Natural Medicine - Acupuncture, Aromatherapy , Shamanism, Doulas, Flower Essences, Bach flowers, herbal medicine, homeopathy, kinesiology, iridology, naturopathy, Tantra, Floral Therapy, etc ... Medicine and Alternative Therapies mr muscle - Biodescodificación, Bioenergetics, Biomagnetismo, Bioresonance, Decodes, Magnet, Spiritual Response mr muscle Therapy etc ... Music, Voice and Sound - Art Therapy, overtone mr muscle singing, Tibetan Bowls, music therapy, etc ... Energy Therapies and Esoteric - Astrology, quartz and crystals, Enneagram, Feng Shui, Sacred Geometry, Magnifield Healting, Clean Energy and aura Reiki , Akashic, regression, Tarot, etc ... Manual Therapy - Craniosacral, Lymphatic, Physiotherapy, Kineseología, Chiropractic, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, etc ... Body Therapies, Movement and Dance - Biodanza, Dance Therapy,