Saturday, December 14, 2013

Livestock Research and Development Center (Puslitbangnak) power wash is an echelon II unit in the M

- Puslitbangnak power wash - Center and a study to Livestock Development - Jl. Raya Kav Padjadjaran E59 Bogor 16151 West Java, Indonesia - Phone. power wash +62 251 8322183, +62 251 8328383 - E-Mail: -
Efforts to increase livestock production is feared to sacrifice hygiene and environmental health, as solid waste pollution (feces) and liquid (urine) cattle. In a broader context, feces and urine could potentially help increase global warming (the greenhouse effect). However, if managed properly, animal waste can produce bio-gas and organic fertilizer which is very useful. Bio-gas can be used as an alternative renewable energy, while useful as an organic power wash fertilizer pembenah farmland. The availability of alternative renewable energy by in-situ power wash in the countryside power wash can reduce the use of firewood, so that logging can be reduced. Every farmer who has a 2-3 head of cattle and a bio-gas plant with a capacity of 10 m3 digester can produce 3-4 m3 bio-gas per day. This amount is sufficient to meet the daily energy needs of farm households. For medium-to-large scale farms, in addition to its own energy needs, with the support power wash of more modern technology, methane (CH4) produced can be used purely for the purpose of greater use of bio-gas luas.Produksi are widely used to tackle environmental pollution power wash , and renewable energy sources by in-situ environmental friendly. power wash Source: Policy Brief - FKPR AARD
Center for kid
Livestock Research and Development Center (Puslitbangnak) power wash is an echelon II unit in the Ministry of Agriculture (Kemtan) under the coordination and directly responsible to the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development. In conducting its work is supported by four Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) is a Veterinary Research Institute, Research Institute for Livestock Research Workshop Goat and Beef Cattle Research.
Ision "Being a research and development institute of international farms that produce and develop innovative technologies to achieve superior farms, sustainable, based on local resources". M contents Utilizing local genetic resources in a sustainable manner power wash to produce seedlings / seeds / seed vaccine / microbial superior to realize competitive and sustainable farms. Assemble and develop innovative technologies to support livestock husbandry and veterinary Generate sustainable farms and veterinary policy recommendations in accordance with the dynamics and development of the strategic environment. Increasing cooperation with research and development institutions in the national and international level. Produce scientific publications national and international level, discharge the dissemination of research results and solicit feedback livestock and veterinary technology. Increasing the capacity of research resources effectively and efficiently. View my complete profile
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