Wednesday, February 25, 2015

As God drove the first man from Paradise, the man began to shiver. Here God told him to take two pi

Belarusians will! "Objects of paganism
Magic card edge. BY Persons Adnak! Will Belarusian! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Black and white verses Fight gene dozen. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Be a Belarusian be a Belarusian 2 be a Belarusian 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays!
Culture of every modern nation is based on a foundation that was formed on the basis of ancient prakulturav i reaches deep old impregnated veravannyami in the supernatural nature of its manifestations i. Every nation has its own subconscious complex, based on these beliefs i representations that until today denounced the rudiments of the most archaic cultural layer. Traditional culture of Belarusians sanitization still retains a significant amount of ancient subconscious elements.
Since the very existence of man depended on the nature of our ancestors does not distinguish himself sanitization from the outside world. Subconscious mind brings together into one all that is happening around i (nature, animals, plants, heavenly bodies, elements, food, shelter, household items, tools, clothes other products i) adushavlyae i aduhovlivae it gives zvyshnaturalnymi properties. All events i components sanitization of the world total dependence linked to each other, uzaemavplyvayuts each other, represent a solid body. To support sanitization this body as a stable, orderly, integrated space system is pervasive sanitization rytualizatsyya life (life, work, family life, residence of calendar time). Each object sakralizavanay ethno-cultural space becomes not only a utilitarian function, but i symbolic meaning, supernatural properties sanitization i characteristics. Objects are objects i padelenymi human imagination to female - male (garchshok - pitcher), clean - unclean (horse - the wolf), useful - are dangerous. Some of them can be simultaneously in the same i, i in the second ipastasi: i fire flame, which can not only warm, sanctify, purify, sanitization but i burn, burn, destroy.
Objects things i endowed prazmernymi sanitization properties, could be the means of magic, divination, magic. Allocated objects with high semiyatychnym status (eg., A caravan, a mask). Such items require special treatment during manufacture already. Baking i decoration loaf, for example, was accompanied by complex regulations, restrictions, magic acts, so that he became a full-fledged symbol of a happy marriage.
Such objects of human culture as a house, oven, suit also had a strictly regulated form, structure, finishing. Each subject was produced with strict observance of the definition of "useful" technology creation, endowed with useful i dangerous qualities i only included in the human world.
As God drove the first man from Paradise, the man began to shiver. Here God told him to take two pieces of hard wood and rub them. As people listened to God and did something, and then the tree is lit and warmed man. Spied the devil, as a man warms himself, stole a bit of divine fire to a pile of scrap as dopek, duck fire hit with the same forest. Damn to bask like jumping into the fire, duck on the entire amount of wool paskverlasya, and he was burned as an hearth. From then he was so black that shines sanitization only to whites white teeth. I saw the devil that cares fire, and took him to hell, there to fire torment sinful souls. Those strikes fire and serves the people and evil.
Come to you, "Give me fire." "Brother, do not syagonya ..." I'll be there, sanitization sow rye, or a cow to drive on post, I will not. I in those days, when you start to do that, do not give. What will you do want to, then do not come. Other days you can, say, "The sanitization next day, ladies."
Under the white birch Palo cold dew, and the second honey, and the third gold. Icy will trample, honey will collect, gold will appreciate. sanitization Willow stands in the yard, on the willow - Golden dew. Arrived paradise birds, golden dew abtserushyli. Left-ran fair maiden, silk Hust sent out and rushed to Zolotarev. sanitization - You zlotnichki-nadobnichki, pour three nadobki. sanitization Nadobka Persha - gold ring; Other nadobka - rutsvyany crown; Third nadobka - Silk kaberats. Gold ring - by grace; Rutsvyany wreath - on zaruchanne; Silk kaberats - on shlyubavanne.
* A swing hung on any tree? * Two Pillars dig NOT column, and so on Cassini. And then a big fat shelf. * Board rather than the stick. * No. Lamaetsa board. Shelf same. * Well, leaves and sing songs. And already zakalyshuts that oh-e-she! High. And the ETA is low. Board. How to acceleration - so o-o-o-th! Neither sanitization so that children.
As I was tiny - waved Matulenka, Oh oak oak-oak, my dear girl. What began growing up - were the guys shake. Oh oak oak-oak, shake my boys That in a sieve, then in the box, the hands, the feet, then the drums with his fists.
On Dzyady "bare" fried eggs - starch brew boiled milk, seven or eight

Coming to Lepel German volunteers, of course, interested in the history of our region. We went with

Home News News Collegium, meeting planning session Saturday Interlocutor Strategy and Tactics of Educational space Educational projects Regional News People Preschool Education Special Education Education Educational space Degree Regional Studies Sports events Quality Education Teaching Science and Innovation Graduate School of Social Culture parallels view
Twenty years Lepel gymnasium named I.M.Erashova carpet cleaners working on a project "Dialogue of languages and cultures" in cooperation carpet cleaners with the International Charity Association "Eco Home" (Belarus), a charitable organization "at home instead of Chernobyl" (Lower Saxony), Abershtufenkalezham city Bielefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia).
For topical areas of our project include familiarity German friends carpet cleaners with the historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus; increasing environmental awareness carpet cleaners of alternative, renewable forms of energy, using the resources of rivers, reservoirs, wind, solar, water and biomass; First acquisition of skills of construction works; serious, in-depth study of the history, culture and traditions of Germany; research carpet cleaners activity creativity JW Goethe; military-patriotic carpet cleaners work through the project "Through the lessons of the past to search today between our two countries." carpet cleaners
After the terrible tragedy of Chernobyl many good people from all corners of the world responded to our misfortune. Among them was the family carpet cleaners from Germany Irmgard and Dietrich von Badelshving that already in the third generation is successfully engaged in charitable activities. They were the initiators of the charitable organization "at home instead of Chernobyl" (Germany), and later the International Charity Association "Eco Home" (Belarus).
By pressing tasks of these organizations include the construction of houses for the families from areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident, involving changes in the construction of the resettlers and volunteers from Germany and Belarus; carpet cleaners carrying out integration projects, and help business units. As a result of their activities in the village Zanaroch Myadel district, close to the village for the first settlers, and in the village Yurkovschina carpet cleaners Lepel district was carried out the restoration of the two churches, with the active participation of local residents. In 2006, the village was built Zanaroch clinic. In 2009, in the village of Old Lepel began working together to build a cultural and educational center ICPO "Eco Home" for migrants and locals.
As an example of alternative energy production were installed the first wind turbines (1.4 million kWh per year), solar unit, pellet plant built houses with low energy consumption.
Were jointly implemented carpet cleaners projects "Lepel Lepel, there is no better ..." dedicated to the completion of construction of the first two environmentally friendly homes in the village of Old Lepel, "Easter traditions in Belarus and Germany", "Our Belarus. National costume. "
Coming to Lepel German volunteers, of course, interested in the history of our region. We went with them to the museum, but first they could not in good German to tell them about all the exposure. And then there is a need to undertake the following serious work - the translation of museum materials into German. It so happened that the richest exposition in our museum - the nature of Lepel (due to the close proximity of Berezina Biosphere Reserve) and the Great Patriotic War. Our region partisan, and the wounds left by the war, so deep, that have not healed yet.
At first we felt awkward, telling carpet cleaners German friends about the events of the war, fearing to stumble upon a misunderstanding and irritation. We are always very carefully chosen form to show our memory. But it was easier. German volunteer, former prisoner Hinrich Rusmaer carpet cleaners invited us to participate in the search operation "events and aftermath of the First and Second World Wars in Belarus" in cooperation with GO "at home instead of Chernobyl" (Lower Saxony). In 2005, the 60th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany. German carpet cleaners students were invited to participate in the project "Occupation of Belarus by the German invaders in the minds of the Belarusian people." The program included a visit to the project area of the former concentration camp near Hamburg Naengame, a meeting of German and Belarusian students with eyewitnesses of the events.
Concentration Naengame was only a link in a dense network of camps, the Nazis created from 1933 to 1945. Now there is in the House of memory on the second floor is a hall, the walls of which are perpetuated the kill prisoners, carpet cleaners since 1938, the base camp. The creators of the museum was moved to the white linen names, nationality, date, month and year of death of prisoners. First day of 3-4 destroyed. Unbearably painful to read them since 1941 suddenly increased the number of Russian surnames. Only 9 August 1944 destroyed 30 of our compatriots.
Each prisoner would

Monday, February 23, 2015

The first car caught quickly, the only thing that went up to the track for a long time. Stage snow,

Error message Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT in Mobile_Detect -> __ construct () (line 97 of /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT function how to get paint out of carpet Mobile_Detect how to get paint out of carpet -> __ construct () (line 97 in the file /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT function Mobile_Detect -> __ construct () (line 97 in the file /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). "Pee-Ter nicotine smell ..." - short and long about a hitchhiking
Honestly - with a little hitch-connected, that is a bit much vyzzhala yourself. And then delight how to get paint out of carpet the Hedgehog in this way of movement, the opportunity to go on a long and intriguing Peter, how to get paint out of carpet on the basis of which we have recently listened to a lecture on the history of Russia and Ukraine ...
In short, gathered decided. There is even a goal - to bring elektraskrypku violin group Hedgehog. Upiska scheduled in St. Petersburg, we are waiting, you can go. For articles borrowed another backpack purchased thermos and - for me - the tablet from ukachvannya. In the 18 hours have already been on the road, in the direction of Opochka (Russia). Catch the car.
PS: almost all the way (when I worked the phone, that is) I wrote down "work" moments in a notebook phone. how to get paint out of carpet Therefore further narration will be carried out with a fairly specific how to get paint out of carpet exposures. I quote as is.
The first car caught quickly, the only thing that went up to the track for a long time. Stage snow, damn them to be seen. And on the road showed up pretty deep puddles. Well, give them a cream. Flying with the hum of the machine, the boundless space of the road, too heavy backpack and a clear sky overhead ... Hello, gorgeous prazdnoshatajushchejsja avtaspynshchykav how to get paint out of carpet fate. =)
As I said, the first car caught quickly. Man, so serious, a little bald guy in years, we drove into the back seat and nothing how to get paint out of carpet is not particularly questioned. Dropped us off in the ring, where there is a twist on Opochka. Darko immediately got into a puddle, and a little hedgehog grumbled because no gloves on his hands and I do not hide in place ... In short, we had fun. No sooner had papryshpilyatstsa how to stop a second car. Good machine so I do not think that cheap. Good trim, and he himself looked decent.
By the way, Uncle, we did not believe it. He talked for a long time with the hedgehog, how to get paint out of carpet and asked about the show and about us (by the way, I am particularly talking how to get paint out of carpet did not participate for the time), and the result was skeptical of the idea to get up today and Peter do to get there. Court, an infection ...
"19:01 disables the Hedgehog." So funny to watch how he tried to fight with sleep, but in spite of it, his head inclined. :) But I was not really funny, because I was afraid that we would miss the turn, where we were supposed to land. "19:08! Limit. R.Charapyatsitsa. 19:09 - Pskov region.! "" The toll road is almost how to get paint out of carpet like a game. What garbage - only here to stay home. "Turning sleep failed. =) The man dropped us off near the bus stop and drove his Sebezh. Stopping called Malkava. And here I was scared.
Uncle dropped how to get paint out of carpet us off and wished success and went. And to continue his good work nobody wanted, somehow. In the beginning how to get paint out of carpet was normal. Half an hour, hour and a half .. Gradually it became not much fun. Half an hour later gradually began to darken. Not to say that there is absolutely dead track, on the contrary. Many trucks, many expensive SUVs and the conventional machines. But ... none of them for all time has not stopped. I fear such a thing. Drivers with completely apathetic persons just passing by and do not even braked just looked at us. Bad luck? Providence? I do not know. Even it was not cold, just very humid and this is unpleasant and uncomfortable. Basking coffee and walk to stop. Began to teach English aloud, from which hedgehog how to get paint out of carpet teeth ached XD.
Standing for about two hours at the bus stop, started to panic a little. There was even a desperate idea to the other side of the road and catch the car back. Though, that it seems to me that we could be back no matter turned. It would be very un-crazy =) "23:40 (22:40 in our opinion). Upiska in the booth insurance. Dawn 5, before that it is necessary how to get paint out of carpet to survive) are sitting on the floor "
That was hard. Zmerzshy to stop considering the option of what to do next. Close - two houses, which was still burning how to get paint out of carpet light. Had the idea to go to someone knock. Was also close to a house insurance need to travel abroad.
Approached him and in a beautiful dark-haired girl asked to bask. It seemed to me that it penetrated our situation and we regret. In any case, it is admitted into the small corridor (1 to 2.5 meters), allowed to sit there. Of course, it is much warmer than outside. And then she even opened the door to his room, where there was a heater, and gave us a blanket.
We sat with the hedgehog on padlo

Michael how to get gum out of carpet Boyar - a specialist in linguistics of ancient how to get gum

A collection of "Profiles" how to get gum out of carpet is the most interesting person of the modern Belarusian poetry in their characteristic features. how to get gum out of carpet Range of authors reaches the most extreme registers - deep pain and no less profound irony healthy cynicism and no less healthy romance, longing heart and headache, word games and brain readers byasformennye verlibrav carcasses and skeletons ... strophic symmetric profiles do not keep your nose to the wind but simply kanstantuyuts the current state of contemporary Belarusian poetry.
Michael how to get gum out of carpet Boyar - a specialist in linguistics of ancient how to get gum out of carpet India, one of the few people in Belarus that are fluent in Sanskrit. This is an ancient literary language of India, where more than 3500 years. Incredibly, she has many parallels with the Belarusian language. Both languages are actively how to get gum out of carpet trying to revive the workers. Both languages are considered "the language of intellectuals", and those workers want to make their "language for everyone." Michael - Belarusian nationalism theorist, one of the sponsors Svamova resulting from the view of the Belarusian language through the prism of Sanskrit and its traditional grammar. This idea is pure high style of the Belarusian language, which is a free word-formation and free from debt.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

a bronze gradiva figure as if to say: - I died without families. Loved my native land. You leave yo

Error message Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT in Mobile_Detect -> __ construct () (line 97 of /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT function Mobile_Detect -> __ construct () (line 97 in the file /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). Notice: Undefined index: gradiva HTTP_ACCEPT function Mobile_Detect -> __ construct () (line 97 in the file /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). Memory of famous residents of the Deep (UPDATED)
The Lord of the Deep (on the left side of the river Byarezvitsa), accompanied in 1494 Embassy in Moscow in marriage the daughter of Grand Duke of Moscow Elena: attempts gradiva to arrange a peaceful, gradiva family-state conflicts that took place between the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
a bronze gradiva figure as if to say: - I died without families. Loved my native land. You leave your wealth -Hramy. They through the centuries - my kids, pride of the city, its zest. Or will build Belle - Church gradiva Berezvetskoy? Architectural masterpiece of European level! With God's help and good people gradiva all possible.
Spirituality and crevice Rodney Joseph Korsak gradiva manifested in the awareness that God's temple is Light of kindness, compassion and hope. Hope Joseph Korsak lives in towns and cities deep. Investor laid the foundation of its prosperity.
Statue of Christ - Experiencing Jesus figure, sitting on the deck in the crown of thorns, strangely sweated August 10, 1763. Who is in the temple of the Holy Trinity in the Deep. The sculptor of the statue glybachanin Michal. Buried in the Deep. Carmelites valued brother Michael as a saint.
Beliefs Vaclav Lastovsky trail began with the torture chamber Kolesnikov. Belarusian talent, self-education, hard work and a peasant zhylistasts brought the boy to the road of the national liberation movement to the heights of the academician and the head of the Belarusian People's Republic.
His lofty jumps, dances, his acting and directing talent blossomed in the land of the village Prazaroki. On the basis of the Belarusian People's last-minute joy hardworking Belarusian people, gradiva when he sings, plays in Buinitskii.
Born in the town of Meadows. In the town of Deep in school. Lazarus Peralman for most people - a symbol of rebirth of the national language, a symbol of Israel and educated blue-eyed Belarus. Land Glubochchiny Eliezer gave so much power that he performed a miracle: the Jews again spoke Hebrew at home, on the street and confessing love. A pioneer in the creation and achievement of the national idea: Its Land, its own language. Language - is the cement that makes the people of the nation. Name Lazarus from Luzhkov, glybachanina - Belarusians living gradiva reminder gradiva of how to appreciate their own language.
Pavel Osipovich was born in the Deep. Pavel Sukhoi - the genius of engineering high-flying. Creator planes, one of which adorns the entrance to the city as a symbol of deep height and speed. Pavel Sukhoi development to accelerate the creation of fast jet civil aircraft and spacecraft. Pavel Sukhoi Design Bureau began development of artificial human heart, which need heart surgery.
Educated at the Vilnius School of Drawing. Teacher drawing Gluboksky School (1924 - 1926 and 1940 - 1941 gg.). Created a poetic image of the native land, its history; impressive cosmic aspirations. Eternal wanderer and mentally awake. Meager life and kindness of the soul.
Born in the Deep. A descendant of the fighters of the national liberation movement, continued their life journey. A clever and hardworking. He studied at the Vilna and St. Petersburg, was a friend of Vaclav and Yanka Kupala Lastovskaya. Make the project Belarusian symbol - a white-red-white flag as a bright, clean people dream of an immortal triumph of goodness and justice. Knew nine languages, translated textbooks in mathematics, botany, history of Belarusians.
Active participant and leader of an underground group of patriots Deep during the German occupation. Soldier. In the spring of 1945 stormed Berlin. Doctor of Technical Sciences since 1970. Professor. Chief Consultant of design work from the beginning of the construction of the Minsk metro. Honored Builder gradiva of the Republic of Belarus.
Peacocks childhood passed in the Deep. She graduated gradiva from the parish school. Then there was a study in Riga, Vilnius. Young Peacock inspired Yanka Kupala at creating an image Pavlinka itself brilliantly played a major role. Relationship Peacocks and Yanka Kupala held in Vilnius, and the premiere was in St. Petersburg. Peacock since played a major role, sank in the audience applause and hugs comedy writer.
Arborist, botanist, agronomist, creator dendrological garden - the pearl of the Lake District, where the rest of the soul, where it is easy to breathe. The work begun by Victor Lomako, blooms in spring, gradiva captures the beauty in all seasons.
Column is a monument to Koptsevtsy at the site of the death of two brothers fighting for his girlfriend? Elevated house - gazebo with four windows and a stork

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ctaronki About the Author What is this blog? Categories Face (7) Sketches of life (108) Culinary pa

Between the lines' Eyes
Blue, gray, black, blue and green ... Like nyabёsy- clean, as if the lake-transparent. If the fog, mysterious, there are shades nyazlichana. And as life, unique, happy and as poor. Good and open, "Live" and if "dead" ... Free, independent ... Deep and endless ... Mother ... sometimes ... Complete strangers, often empty ... Like coal-hot ... a bit ambiguous ... They do not like nemagchyma- something to compare with the eyes?. .
Ctaronki About the Author What is this blog? Categories Face (7) Sketches of life (108) Culinary passion (6) My poems (39) New life of old things (1) Travel (7) Archives February 2015 (1) January 2015 (1) December 2014 (3) November 2014 (1) October 2014 (1) September 2014 (1) August 2014 (2) July 2014 (1) June 2014 (4) May 2014 (5) April 2014 (1) March 2014 (3) February ldb 2014 (5) January 2014 (4) December ldb 2013 (2) November 2013 (3) October 2013 (5) September 2013 (5) August 2013 (5) July 2013 (6) June 2013 (7) May 2013 (12) April 2013 (8) March 2013 (7) February 2013 (7) January 2013 (10) December 2012 (4) November 2012 (7) October 2012 (12) September ldb 2012 (6) August 2012 (14) July 2012 (13) Links I VKontakte I'm on Facebook I We believe in the ExperimentCOM

Sightseeing tours are designed and prepared students for guided tours of the museum Sukhoi Gluboksk

Home News News Collegium, meeting planning session Saturday Interlocutor Strategy and Tactics of Educational space Educational projects farsta Regional News People Preschool Education Special Education Education Educational space Degree Regional Studies Sports events Quality Education Teaching Science and Innovation Graduate School of Social Culture parallels view
Cyshovshy the bus at deep as the correspondent of "Teacher" I, of course, farsta first of all visited the district department of education. A few words of mutual acquaintance - and my journey through educational Glubochchine really began.
According to the head of the education department Gluboksky district Casimir Eduardovicha Haynovskaga, year books and the Day of Belarusian Written Language in the Deep literally left their mark on all spheres of life in the area of education - from educational work to repair books and landscaping adjacent to schools. And that's not to mention the purely cultural orientation activities, such as literary and local history competitions, quizzes, meetings with poets and writers, designed themed exhibitions and expositions, collecting materials to build schools and other chronicles.
In the district education department for the first time, I felt that the current Belarusian Written Language Day - a celebration not only of the city deep, but all the towns, villages and hamlets Glubochchiny and, accordingly, all educational institutions farsta that are there. Therefore, farsta I'm sorry, dear reader, but I can not do without a long enough (but still far, far incomplete) listing of participating shares in preparation for the Day of Belarusian Written in various educational institutions Gluboksky area. If you are not interested, you can now turn the page, and the inhabitants of the Deep yes would be nice. After all, it is their common holiday, as they did. And So ...
Regional educational and methodical study of local lore program designed course "My country - Glubochchina" for kindergartens, 1-7 classes, grades 8-9, the teaching materials for these programs.
Sightseeing tours are designed and prepared students for guided tours of the museum Sukhoi Gluboksky in high school number farsta 1, museums Podsvilskomu Gluboksky high school district, museums I.Buynitskogo Prazarotskay in kindergarten - secondary school Gluboksky area.
Teachers of secondary school number 1 created a booklet about the church of the Holy Trinity, Sklinskay kindergarten - High School farsta - "Zadarozhski church" Udyalavskay kindergarten - High School - "The Church of Innocent Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary," high school number 2 Deep - a set of postcards with historical -arhitekturnymi monuments.
Regional educational and methodical study developed regulations on competition for the best landscape composition, dedicated farsta to the Day of Belarusian literature, children's drawing contest "My Land", the contest "gang" farsta and the other with their subsequent farsta conduct and determine the winner.
In Gluboksky district gymnasium was showing the play by Liudmila Rublevskaya "Yanuca - Knight Myatushki" directed school theater "Nesterka" Prazarotskay in kindergarten - High School - miniature theatrical works by Belarusian authors.
Created electronic collections of research works of students of local history focus, creative works (poetry, prose, essays) - "Multiply the glory of their ancestors-countrymen." Staff Podsvilsky center of youth tourism and local history collection of texts collected excursions to Gluboksky area ...
... In the meantime I went from the district education office farsta in Glubokskaya high school number 1 (the first item on my route). Passing the children's playground "Brigantine", sincerely happy for the residents of the Deep, because a year ago they did this cute and colorful useful object. Paused for a moment, quickly grabbed a few shots of the surroundings: funny traffic cop at the entrance of a happy young mother with a child on a swing, a piece of stone walls, fences of "Merchant", which a local graffiti artist with wit painted scenes from the good Soviet cartoons ... Very cute, by the way, it was possible.
Is already very close to the approach farsta to the 1st Gluboksky high school, I had to stop again, fascinated by the beauty of the surroundings, and to get the camera. What a heavenly beauty opened her eyes! Not the school, and like a fairy-tale palace stood on a hill. On the slope - two huge colorful flowerbeds. One in the form of an open book. The second - a colorful clock with an arrow that shows eight in the morning. Here, a few tens of meters, pleasing to the eye natal lake. Yes, it turns out that the school is located literally on the lake and even in the city center. This I have not seen anywhere else, ever. All in disbelief, I went to school.
Generally, Glubokskaya high school number 1 at the same time the oldest and the newest in the city. The oldest, because their ancestry dates back to the school in 1931, when it was consecrated a corner stone, more precisely, the angular com

Friday, February 20, 2015

Presented as part of CES-2015 a new line of LCD TVs 4K Ultra HD, Sony has updated the processor X1

This year's Consumer Electronics Show is especially rich in news television. Visitors flurry of proposals and even some. About the most interesting models of leading manufacturers represented in the first days of the event, we will tell you today. Contents Sony. LG. Samsung. Sharp. Philips. Panasonic. Sony
Presented as part of CES-2015 a new line of LCD TVs 4K Ultra HD, Sony has updated the processor X1 and the Android operating system as the software platform. Highlight - an unprecedented thickness TVs. For example, the model series Sony BRAVIA X900C in sophistication compete with smartphones
At CES-2015, Sony revealed a new line of 4K-TV. And it's not "restyling" of last year's series. On the contrary, and in front of us truly new range. Changes were made and design, and software platform, but not only.
Particularize. The new line of LCD TVs class 4K Ultra HD consists of twelve models, which are divided interlink supply into six series. The lower segment is represented X85C and X83C, top - the flagship X94C and X93C, curved and ultra-S85C X90C.
In the west, Sony TVs compared with the smartphone Apple iPhone 6. The most striking design innovation has become ultra-thin Series X90C, the design of which is called Floating Style. Thickness of 55-inch and 65-inch TVs, representing her is 4.9 mm
It is necessary to elaborate on the platform Android TV new models of Sony. It opens a hitherto unexplored opportunities that last year's TV by inquisitive interlink supply minds of the Japanese, whose technology ahead of the rest, could only dream of.
Here is one example. Now Sony TV can be compared with a smartphone interlink supply or tablet. It provides access to applications and services Google - mobile games, movies and other library - on your big screen.
The updated interface is intuitive. His "exiled" by remote control with touch panel. Thanks to the One-Flick Entertainment can conveniently switch between TV channels, reviewed video from the Internet and other sources.
Will order the words and the qualitative sound of the TV (this is important!). For example, the model series X93C and X94C have speakers that deliver impressive acoustics. Complementarity format support High Resolution Audio for playback of uncompressed soundtracks of movies or music files. Tempting, is not it?
Suffice it to recall that in the face of a series of predecessors X9005A and X9005B often praised interlink supply for the quality of the sound, and news Sony, thanks to improved processing of audio, will probably even higher bar.
It remains the case for small - adequate pricing. The cost of new products is not reported, but hopes for attractive to us, the inhabitants, the price tag is not enough. The economic situation has not. In the end, it is no wonder Sony is conceived rampant transition to format 4K: it is in the upper price segment of the Japanese feel like a fish in water.
Customers who follow the development of modern technology, must have noticed that lately LCD technology develops not actively than before. Basically, we do not see a qualitative change and quantitative. Active promotion of 4K resolution interlink supply is, apparently, the result of the other indicators interlink supply brake. CES this year showed a change of course: interlink supply manufacturers, including LG, took up another element, which can be great experiment. We are talking about the illumination of LCD panels.
For example, older models updated interlink supply line of LCD TVs LG will be provided with special lighting, uses quantum dots (Quantum Dots). Experts say that it gives a deep clean color RGB, due to what is possible to achieve color gamut, which is 30% wider than the usual standard Rec.709.
Visual palette of new TV from LG really noticeably juicier, but similar, honed under the broader scope of content yet. On the other hand, the adoption of 4K / Ultra HD standard Rec.2020 still exceeds the capacity of the TV. So we see a step in the right direction, but it is not a final solution to the problems.
The rest of the Ultra HD-TV manufacturers respected brand tradition. LG is widely applied IPS LCD panel with wide viewing angles and a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, ultra-slim design holds ULTRA Slim and do not forget about the acoustics - introducing improved sound system, created in collaboration with the boards Harman / Kardon. However, interlink supply the last - a few new products feature LG.
Make sure your exquisite models of the Korean company managed by a special body structure, providing a back cover made of aluminum composite. She is also the carrier substrate. It seems that this is a ultra-thin OLED-panel, in fact - the usual terms of design LCD (though "normal" is very relative).
As expected, the manufacturer will put their SMART TV on the operating system webOS 2.0, promises

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Even today, with great joy I remember my apostolic journey to the UK, which took place in September

The value of the monasteries and trust in God our aspiration noticed the Holy Father Benedict XVI during today's general audience in the Vatican. Pope catechesis dedicated English hermit, one of the largest pressure washing charlotte representatives of Christian mysticism St. Holy Julian Noryzha.
Even today, with great joy I remember my apostolic journey to the UK, which took place in September of this year. England is a land that has become pressure washing charlotte home to many vytatnyh persons who his testimony and teaching pressure washing charlotte the history of the church pressure washing charlotte is decorated. One of them, very much appreciated, and the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church, it mistychka Julian of Norwich, which I would like to tell you today.
We do not know much about her life. Most of what we know comes from the book in which this clever and modest woman has collected all of their vision. pressure washing charlotte This book is called pressure washing charlotte "Revelations of Divine Love." It is known that Julian lived between pressure washing charlotte approximately one thousand three hundred forty-two and 1430 years. This period was very turbulent for the Church, which is due to the schism, the pope proclaimed after returning from Avinёnu in Rome, as well as for all the people who witnessed the great war between England and France. But God, even in the unhappy pressure washing charlotte times to send such figures as Julian of Norwich, to call for peace, love and joy.
As she tells Julian, in May 1373 it overtook a very serious illness and it seemed that a few days later she had to die. The priest, who was her bedside, showed her at the Crucifixion, and then Julian had sixteen events, which she later described in his book "Revelations of Divine pressure washing charlotte Love." Fifteen years later, the Lord revealed to her that the meaning of these visions. "You wanted to know what your Lord has revealed to you these revelations? Know that what He revealed to you - this is love. Who showed it to you? Love. Why do you showed her? Out of love ... So you will understand that our Lord is love. "
Inspired by divine love, Julian decided to radically change his life. She settled in one cell, very close to the Church, who had the title of St. Julian, in the center of Norwich, while important city, near London. It is assumed that their name is Juliana took the title of the Church, next to which she lived for many years, until his death.
Lives alone in this time dedicated themselves to many women, they designed a rule, such as the rule of St. Elreda Rivolskogo. Devoted themselves to prayer, reflection pressure washing charlotte and study. Many men and women are very often turned to these people for advice, comfort and explanations of their problems. Thus the choice of Juliana was not inspired individualistic, but the future is close to the Lord, she was brought up by the ability to be savetnitsay for many dapamozhnitsay to those who lived in difficulties. If Julian died on the headstone, "Mother Julian." It really became a mother for many.
Women and men who choose to live in the company of God, thanks to this choice gain deep sympathy for the weaknesses of people. Friends and friends of God, they are endowed with the wisdom pressure washing charlotte of the world from which they are removed, and share it with those who are knocking at their door. I think about the many monasteries klyavzurovyh that today, peace and hope, a precious gift for the whole Church, especially in the proclamation of the primacy of God and the importance of deep and fervent prayer pressure washing charlotte in the way of faith.
From the books of St. Julian of Norwich to us is very reassuring message, based on the belief that God loves us and protects his Providence. Read these remarkable words: "God even before we create, we loved with a love that will never fade away. And in this love He created everything in this love, he made sure that every thing is useful for us in this life, our love will last forever ... This love we have our goal, and we see it all in God Without Borders. "
God's love is always returned in the phenomena of Julian of Norwich, and it does not compare pressure washing charlotte with a mother's love. It is one of the main messages of mystical pressure washing charlotte theology Juliana. pressure washing charlotte Care and kindness of God are so big to us, pilgrims on earth, reminiscent of a mother's love for her children. Love God above human love. In the words of the prophet Isaiah: "a woman forget her sucking child, that she should pressure washing charlotte not have compassion on the son of her womb? Even if she forget, I will not forget you "(Isaiah 49, 15). Julian of Norwich clear message for svaёgo spiritual life: God is love, and only if you open to this love, and let her, everything will change, you will find peace and true joy and you will be able to afford them. "
I would like to emphasize another point. Catechism of the Catholic Church quotes pressure washing charlotte the words of St. Julian of Norwich, when he speaks about the attitude of the Catholic faith to the question that does not provoke believers. If God is the highest good, and wisdom, why is there evil and suffering of the innocent? Even saints asked this question. Lit the light of faith, they give an answer, open

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

If an article prepared for publication, the author called journalist Dmitry housekeeping Lupach and

Error message Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT housekeeping in Mobile_Detect -> __ construct () (line 97 of /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT function Mobile_Detect housekeeping -> __ construct () (line 97 in the file /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT function Mobile_Detect -> __ construct () (line 97 in the file /home1/westkiin/public_html/sites/all/modules/context_mobile_detect/library/mobile_detect.php). housekeeping Oleg Morhat will be appointed Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive housekeeping Committee, and Kosinets sent an ambassador to Indonesia (April Fool's joke)
Current Chairman of the Executive Committee Alexander Kosinets allegedly promised the post of Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in Indonesia. Diplomatic platform in this promising country partners of Belarus is scheduled to open in April. housekeeping
According to an anonymous source in the Presidential Administration housekeeping long been eyeing the personality of Oleg Morhata, noting his zeal in preparation for the Day of Belarusian Written Language program execution "Clean field", housekeeping cleaning vegetables and flax, as well as increasing milk production and improving the demographic situation.
According to Oleg Morhat in an interview with "Izvestia" Gluboksky wolf, the first decision as chairman of the executive committee will be voluntary declaration housekeeping of collecting funds for the construction of an ice palace in the Deep. This is thanks to Oleg residents Deep for fruitful cooperation over the past three years.
Particular attention is paid to the development Morhat thinks agriculture. A search for investors for the project draining Lake Shaw and construction on the site farm for breeding sheep. And in the village Latygol Gluboksky district planned to convert the farm for the production of marble meat. Run the project entrusted OAO "Konstantinov Dvor".
This year, the President announced the Year of thrift, and connected with it numerous housekeeping designs. Oleg said that the orders placed on the roof of the government agencies solar panels. This will be used donations of Education and Culture.
On Varganskay mountain in Dokshitsy district will be built wind farm, the same appears on the Castle Hill in Braslav. It is also planned to recall the existence of the practice of school forest - but now they will be called "school LPH" and is engaged in preparation of local fuels for heating schools.
If an article prepared for publication, the author called journalist Dmitry housekeeping Lupach and reported with reference to the employee's railway station "profound" that the morning housekeeping train from Krulevschina drew two freight cars ordered Gluboksky executive housekeeping committee. It is suggested that cars are designed for transportation of personal effects Oleg Morhata.
By Anonymous Fri, 05/04/2013 - 20:30
The editorial policy of "News" provides maximum freedom for readers and writers - (and encourages readers to become authors). This freedom sometimes use dishonest people, but after the third or fifth deleting comments they still there is no hunting bitch.
Ed. We never write about people's private lives. Yes, we are sharply criticizing the work of some chiefs and officials, but do not write, what people are sick, who is sleeping with whom, and what marks bring home from school whose children.
Read all still have to write about my edge. As for the criticism housekeeping of some leaders, maybe it's good. But to criticize the people who have in this life at least something done. A ride on the bike and take pictures of others flaws, it is ridiculous, it is better not to make fun of their shortcomings, and if possible eliminate them. Or tell me that I'm wrong. What made this life photographer for his region ???????
Ed. If you are a journalist profession funny, then why read the more sites and newspapers? Turn off the radio, throw the TV. And dozens of people housekeeping thank us because they can read the news in their region. Shital did the same rich not only in journalism, but also in local history - has written dozens housekeeping of articles on the history of the region, gathered a vast body of historical sources used by historians of several districts, attached to reprint O. Gedemana housekeeping "Deep". Page
Joint Stock Company "Sunset" - fotazhart On the boat more than 30 km / h NOT razganyaysya! - Oleg Fotazhart Morhat will be appointed Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive housekeeping Committee, and Kosinets sent ambassadors to Indonesia (April Fool's joke) energy-saving lighting technology - fotazhart "Freedom housekeeping Nikolai Statkevich" on banknotes in the Deep - Photo Who is Juzik Royal? How will the cheapest plant. Folk art
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015


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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Posted by rsanzcarrera Filed in advice, counting, healthy ideas, others small details, upholstery c

The meticulous eater camels | tan_gente
F iltráis the gnat and swallow a camel ... The Lord in these words refers to the scribes and Pharisees "On the outside they look good, but are within full of bones and rotting; the same yourselves out you seem just, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and crimes ..
Thinking about how to apply these words today, might well refereririse. those people who have, "for example, shining like a mirror house and soul like a stinking dunghill; spend vacuuming daily, but have for years without confessing. Other sterilize pacifiers if the child falls down to rescue them from the slightest infection, but as it grows a little stop in front of the TV regardless of the soul fills small garbage. Still others may sue the Ministry of Health at a clinic dedicated to killing children in the womb because upholstery cleaning it kills them hygienically clean way and puts mothers upholstery cleaning at risk from infections. Many who dismember human beings there then go out to demonstrate for the protection of animals upholstery cleaning at risk of extinction. What a paradox! And there are others who strive to achieve the most perfect health and the most precious body, soul while carrying out a real corpse. " (Cfr. J-Fernando Rey-Ballesteros) And you and me many times we judge others harshly, without having upholstery cleaning all the facts, or look them over his shoulder while we hear Mass ... many times we desentendemos suffering of others with a simple shrug, as we continue with our pious prayers ... many times we forget that God's law is' Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your soul ... Love your neighbor as yourself ... And for that matter, the most serious faults are the faults of love. And the greatest poverty is not who is not loved, but who does not love, because selfishness has dried her heart. Each must be examined carefully, because you can do charity without love, without love you can pray, you can spend the day dawns between candles and meditate without love ... These days with sincerity and with the help of the tender gaze of Mary these demanding words of the Lord
Posted by rsanzcarrera Filed in advice, counting, healthy ideas, others small details, upholstery cleaning meditations, Opinion, smiling pray Tags: abortion, joy, friend, friendship, upholstery cleaning love, human love, apostolate, conversion, converts, God, hope, family, faith, happiness, upholstery cleaning generosity, children, man, humility, church, freedom, mother, death, woman, prayer, parents, relationships, religion, holiness, meaning of life, society, work, values, truth, life, virtues , vocation 1 Comment
Charity "is a distinctive sign of Christ's upholstery cleaning disciples (cf. Jn 13:35)" .Jesus "teaches us that the fundamental law of human perfection, and therefore, the transformation of the world, is the new commandment of love "(cf. Mt 22,40; Jn 15:12; Col. 3:14; St 2.8). The behavior of the person is fully human when it is born of love, manifests love and is ordered to love. This truth also applies in the social sphere: it is necessary that Christians are deeply convinced witnesses and know show by their lives that love is the only force (cf. 1 Cor 12.31 to 14.1) which can lead to personal and social perfection and move history upholstery cleaning towards upholstery cleaning good. To capture a more dignified more humane society of the person, it is necessary to revalue love in social life -a political, economic, cultural level, making it the constant and supreme norm of action. If justice is in itself suitable upholstery cleaning to serve as a "referee" upholstery cleaning between people concerning the reciprocal distribution of objective goods in an appropriate measure, however love and only love (including that kindly love that we call "mercy") It is capable of restoring man himself .No can regulate human relationships only with the measure of justice: The Christian knows that love is the reason why God enters into relationship with man. It is love which he awaits upholstery cleaning as man's response. Therefore love is the highest and noblest of human beings relationship to each other form. Love must therefore encourage all areas of human life and extend to the international order. Only a humanity in which there reigns the "civilization of love" can enjoy authentic and lasting peace. In this regard, the Magisterium upholstery cleaning highly recommends solidarity because it is capable of ensuring the common good, in that it favors the integral development of individuals: charity makes you see in others yourself. Only charity can completely change man. Such change does not mean void size

Friday, February 6, 2015


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Thursday, February 5, 2015

It was crazy. But mad with desire and plan that came from afar. And also with an ideology:

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The Norwegians discovered the meticulous plan by Asker Friday slaughter must pay more attention to terrorism European parent, warns the European police agency Europol
The more discreet mourning. A young woman places a candle el cajon ca to the lakeside for the victims of the massacre. Yesterday two funerals, one State, with the assistance of the kings of Norway, and other relatives of the victims, both characterized by austerity and most consternation Frank Augstein / AP were held
MORE INFORMATION The murderer of Oslo prohibited bullets used in war The author of the slaughter el cajon ca to appear today before the judge can not forget Norway Norway mourns 93 victims of the twin bombings Police took more than an hour to travel to the island of Utoya Conversation next to the cathedral in France Police records father's house Breivik The judge orders el cajon ca detention for Anders Behring Breivik
It was crazy. But mad with desire and plan that came from afar. And also with an ideology: "cleansing" of Europe, Marxist and xenophobic, in the vicinity of Nazism. Norway yesterday held two funerals, one State and another of the relatives of the victims, both discrete and without el cajon ca pomp, discover with horror and dismay the details of mind of Anders Behring Breivik, murderer of more than a hundred of his fellow citizens .
Tears of King Harald and Queen Sonia Cathedral in Oslo, while the solid Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg-the el cajon ca temple is demonstrated in these lides- repeating a phrase uttered on Friday: el cajon ca "We are shaken by the blow, but never give up our values. Our answer is more democracy, el cajon ca more transparency and humanity, el cajon ca never naivety el cajon ca ".
In the church of Nordehov near the fateful Utoya island, where in a summer camp of the Labour Party, fell shot by Anders Behring, 86 of the moment 93 dead (and 97 wounded), the double attack on Friday, the act of family The place is near the hotel Sundvolden where inmates are still some of the guys was held. The crown was represented by Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and the government's foreign minister. "It's good that we leave partisan politics aside to just be human beings," he said.
It was a sad day, of flags at half-mast-the Norwegians beloved flag of mourning and shock at the double attack recorded on Friday, a bomb in downtown Oslo and slaughter against teenagers drive two hours later. In that trauma contributed what became known yesterday.
Notes the murderer a plan that follows came from afar, thoroughly prepared, economically costly and demanded el cajon ca a large dose of self-discipline el cajon ca and criminal intent. In 2006 Anders Behring moved out of Oslo, to save resources and also to hide his mother preparations. He gained first rifle and then a gun, the uniform was sought, and more recently, in May, bought the material for explosives (chemical fertilizer mixed with diesel). He rented a farm in Asta, 160 kilometers north of Oslo, and buried all the material in a secluded spot that marked with GPS.
May was the beginning of the countdown. The new residence him away from his friends in Oslo, who wanted far away and outside their plans. He auditioned with explosives went well, and spent scares, like when his home was presented at the farm unexpectedly. But what was behind such organization and perseverance? An old and criminal European chimera: the superiority of the white man, the "native European" on the immigrant threat. An ideology with universal relatives in sudfafricano apartheid, between current Israeli settlers in Islamic fundamentalism ... whose base, foundation and common denominator is to deny another el cajon ca their humanity, ie something akin to Nazism. Something is coming back, with new costumes, this postmodern Europe, called "buenismo" solidarity and the desire for justice and embracing social Darwinism (the strong survive) with anti-Islamic phobia occupying a place ce

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

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Millimeter by millimeter Waves of Grain video shows an animation of two minutes made by Keith Skretch who made a hypnotic timelapse with layers of a piece of wood and was meticulously, recording the movement, enter your age and your internal gear shortly little. The final video reveals cleanup download a strange sense of movement as well as the details of the camera that moves on the block, revealing patterns having the wood.
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Monday, February 2, 2015

Eduardo Berti author of the novels

A thorough gentleman but a bit abstract, received a letter, which really took time waiting one day. The letter maiden came from the Bureau of stock and said, with laconic politeness, which was imminent declaration of existence, and therefore be prepared maiden to come into existence within short time. He was glad the message, and did nothing as far in advance had done everything necessary to exist, from any time with or without notice. Slightly elated at the idea of existence, maiden considered the time it was then, the gap between the existing and the absence as a kind of vacation; since nothing could happen maiden until I had actually come into being, treated with some indulgence: he got up late, walking most of the day, performed brief trips to relaxing and picturesque places. He hoped the final letter, without impatience, knowing that the proceedings maiden were delicate, subtle operations, huge distances, inefficient postal service. After three months of the first letter, he received a second, informing him of an error: the previous letter had come because of a diachronic homonymy as a man with the same name and last name had to be born within six centuries in the same town. Therefore, the above letter was annulled, and his case had been reopened, and was in the process of opinion; but the letter did not insinuate an imminent existence, the tone was encouraging. He experienced a slight setback, but not deemed appropriate upset, because in the universe he remained a very small thing and tried to consider the postponement as a new holiday: but could not deny that their innocent outbursts had some bitter. The third letter came after six months; evidently did not concern him, and someone must have sent a letter alien, because it spoke of his already produced death, and lamented the failed delivery maiden in the office of the company left shoulder. He could not help thinking that the Bureau of stock committing serious errors, which saddened him. After a year, a new letter maiden written so strangely outside the grammar, for the second time alluded to the problem of the left shoulder, wearing a date that was nine after the day had come centuries. Carefully examining the envelope, he realized that his name was written with a slight inaccuracy, maiden and at that moment left both preexisting and not exist. "Sixty" in Centuria, Giorgio Manganelli, editorial Anagram.
Eduardo Berti author of the novels "Water" maiden (Tusquets), "Women of Wakefield" maiden (Tusquets), "All Funes" (Anagram), "Shadow of boxer" (Norma / The Other Shore) and books story "The Birds" (Pages foam) and "The Impossible maiden Life" (Emecé). His latest book of short stories is "The unforgettable" (Pages foam). His latest novel is "The country imagined" (Emecé 2011 Las Américas Prize Award 2012). View my profile
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Sunday, February 1, 2015

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As good temper, the British naturalist Charles Darwin failed to desks and predictions endured an unhappy future, until he made his love for animals and meticulous approach the starting point of their journey to the theory of evolution.
Bogotá, 18 ago.- As good temper, the British naturalist Charles janitor Darwin failed to desks and predictions endured an unhappy future, until he made his love for animals and meticulous approach the starting point of their journey to the theory of evolution.
His numerous sketches of how many animal janitor species watched, neatly identified and archived are, with their impeccable notes letter, an example janitor of the first steps of the scientist who collects an open exposure to the Colombian public from this weekend in Bogotá.
"Charles Darwin is much talk, but in an exhibition like this is understood who he really was and the value that gentleman and knowledge to humankind," he told Efe at the opening Away Francisco Pérez.
And in the sample, driven by the American Museum of Natural History in New York, the curious can see from the loupes with analyzing the little things to hammer with breaking skulls that allowed him to reach the background of the most complex organs.
There is also the replica of the office where he spent so many hours, warm with a scarf in Down House, his home in southwest London, reviewing samples collected in the field and sometimes wore living in a box.
Something had to serve their escape janitor into the countryside during janitor his youth, the same that cost the reproaches of his father, Robert Darwin, "Do not care about anything else than hunting, dogs and catching rats, you will be a disgrace to yourself and for all your family. "
Historians described the scientist as a dispersed boy reaped many bad grades as changes in school, and was setting his passion for science until he met the Reverend John Henslow at Christ College, Cambridge, drive the trip of a lifetime .
Models of the ship "HMS Beagle" illustrate the tour that began five years by American and Oceanian continent, which was erected as an eminence of Geology and compiled collections of animals and plants most comprehensive natural science species.
In the Galapagos Islands studied the variation of species and noted in his little notebook: "if there is a minimum basis of these observations of zoology of the archipelagoes, worth consideration, as these events could threaten the stability of species ".
"In fact, I would have to think everyone is that Charles Darwin is the individual who demonstrated that the origin of species is by evolution, not by creation" theory collides with the concept of "intelligent design".
Now, 153 years after that revelation, Colombians can see first hand the first steps of Darwin and, according to Jorge Enrique Bueno, director of Colombia Astrobiology Institute and an expert adviser to the organizers, encouraged to preserve the nature of one of the most biodiverse countries in the world.
According to this, the trajectory of the scientist also experienced an evolution; the same as outlined in a paper that reproduced stepwise growth of a tree, with a clear conclusion: "I think".
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Onjuku (Japan), Jan 11 (EFE) .- Nearly three years after the Fukushima accident and before the distrust that still generate persistent organizing your home discharges from the plant, Japan has begun to finally show the public the meticulous network that measures organizing your home the radiation in their marine products. organizing your home
Onjuku (Japan), organizing your home Jan 11 (EFE) .- Nearly three years after the Fukushima organizing your home accident and before the distrust that still generate persistent discharges from the plant, organizing your home Japan has begun to finally show the public the meticulous network organizing your home that measures the radiation in their marine products.
The Research Institute of Marine Ecology (MERI) is one of the 27 laboratories that analyze for the Fisheries Agency of Japan levels of radioactive iodine and cesium (strontium must be calibrated in other centers) in fish, shellfish, algae, and also in sediments and marine and freshwater.
The MERI, located in the coastal town of Onjuku (about 75 kilometers southeast of Tokyo), examines a dozen daily catches in the eastern coast of Japan, from Hokkaido, the northernmost organizing your home island until Chiba, east of Tokyo.
His strict methodology evidence praise they have received the comprehensive monitoring organizing your home programs organizing your home Japanese agricultural and marine products by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
However, the doors of laboratories organizing your home as they have not been open to the media up to two years and 10 months after the accident, and only after learning last summer that the Fukushima even daily poured hundreds of tons of radioactive organizing your home water Pacific Ocean.
During that time, suspicion organizing your home of Japanese consumers has increased, while countries like South Korea have banned the import of seafood from much of the country, considering that Tokyo has not provided sufficient information on the consequences and management of the accident atomic.
"Our efforts have been insufficient when communicating the work being done to ensure the safety of these foods," admits Kiyotaka Hidaka, senior research coordinator of the Fisheries Agency.
Therefore, the government has begun to campaign in auctions and markets in Japan (many of whom make their own additional analysis) to explain the checks performed or prepare briefing papers in Korean, Chinese, English, French or Castilian.
These boxes of marine products must be shipped regularly by different unions eastern prefectures of Japan according to the guidelines set out the Food Sanitation Law.
"All who have recorded sometime after the accident 50 or more becquerels organizing your home of radioactive material per kilo (the maximum limit established by Japan for consumption is 100 becquerels) and those seasonal always have priority," says Atsushi Suginaka, representative of the Fisheries Agency.
With each new fish passing through one of four treatment units, employees should change latex gloves organizing your home and sterilize knives and tables with alcohol organizing your home to avoid corrupting the sample.
"We have reached up to 3,000 becquerels detect radioactive material in a sea bass caught in Ibaraki (Prefecture bordered on the south by Fukushima). Of course, the distribution of this species in this area is strictly forbidden now," says Nobuhiro Nonaka, technical organizing your home Lab.
The same applies to the bass and flounder (both species swim at great depth, where it tends to accumulate more radiation) in Miyagi and Iwate anchorages, both north of Fukushima prefecture, a region that can be performed only catch to measurements, but in no case to market.
"But these are not normal levels," says Nonaka, which ensures that now 99.2% of the samples analyzed in the MERI is below the limit of 100 becquerels required by law, a figure that beginning of the crisis was 53%.
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