Belarusians will! "Objects of paganism
Magic card edge. BY Persons Adnak! Will Belarusian! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Black and white verses Fight gene dozen. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Be a Belarusian be a Belarusian 2 be a Belarusian 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays!
Culture of every modern nation is based on a foundation that was formed on the basis of ancient prakulturav i reaches deep old impregnated veravannyami in the supernatural nature of its manifestations i. Every nation has its own subconscious complex, based on these beliefs i representations that until today denounced the rudiments of the most archaic cultural layer. Traditional culture of Belarusians sanitization still retains a significant amount of ancient subconscious elements.
Since the very existence of man depended on the nature of our ancestors does not distinguish himself sanitization from the outside world. Subconscious mind brings together into one all that is happening around i (nature, animals, plants, heavenly bodies, elements, food, shelter, household items, tools, clothes other products i) adushavlyae i aduhovlivae it gives zvyshnaturalnymi properties. All events i components sanitization of the world total dependence linked to each other, uzaemavplyvayuts each other, represent a solid body. To support sanitization this body as a stable, orderly, integrated space system is pervasive sanitization rytualizatsyya life (life, work, family life, residence of calendar time). Each object sakralizavanay ethno-cultural space becomes not only a utilitarian function, but i symbolic meaning, supernatural properties sanitization i characteristics. Objects are objects i padelenymi human imagination to female - male (garchshok - pitcher), clean - unclean (horse - the wolf), useful - are dangerous. Some of them can be simultaneously in the same i, i in the second ipastasi: i fire flame, which can not only warm, sanctify, purify, sanitization but i burn, burn, destroy.
Objects things i endowed prazmernymi sanitization properties, could be the means of magic, divination, magic. Allocated objects with high semiyatychnym status (eg., A caravan, a mask). Such items require special treatment during manufacture already. Baking i decoration loaf, for example, was accompanied by complex regulations, restrictions, magic acts, so that he became a full-fledged symbol of a happy marriage.
Such objects of human culture as a house, oven, suit also had a strictly regulated form, structure, finishing. Each subject was produced with strict observance of the definition of "useful" technology creation, endowed with useful i dangerous qualities i only included in the human world.
As God drove the first man from Paradise, the man began to shiver. Here God told him to take two pieces of hard wood and rub them. As people listened to God and did something, and then the tree is lit and warmed man. Spied the devil, as a man warms himself, stole a bit of divine fire to a pile of scrap as dopek, duck fire hit with the same forest. Damn to bask like jumping into the fire, duck on the entire amount of wool paskverlasya, and he was burned as an hearth. From then he was so black that shines sanitization only to whites white teeth. I saw the devil that cares fire, and took him to hell, there to fire torment sinful souls. Those strikes fire and serves the people and evil.
Come to you, "Give me fire." "Brother, do not syagonya ..." I'll be there, sanitization sow rye, or a cow to drive on post, I will not. I in those days, when you start to do that, do not give. What will you do want to, then do not come. Other days you can, say, "The sanitization next day, ladies."
Under the white birch Palo cold dew, and the second honey, and the third gold. Icy will trample, honey will collect, gold will appreciate. sanitization Willow stands in the yard, on the willow - Golden dew. Arrived paradise birds, golden dew abtserushyli. Left-ran fair maiden, silk Hust sent out and rushed to Zolotarev. sanitization - You zlotnichki-nadobnichki, pour three nadobki. sanitization Nadobka Persha - gold ring; Other nadobka - rutsvyany crown; Third nadobka - Silk kaberats. Gold ring - by grace; Rutsvyany wreath - on zaruchanne; Silk kaberats - on shlyubavanne.
* A swing hung on any tree? * Two Pillars dig NOT column, and so on Cassini. And then a big fat shelf. * Board rather than the stick. * No. Lamaetsa board. Shelf same. * Well, leaves and sing songs. And already zakalyshuts that oh-e-she! High. And the ETA is low. Board. How to acceleration - so o-o-o-th! Neither sanitization so that children.
As I was tiny - waved Matulenka, Oh oak oak-oak, my dear girl. What began growing up - were the guys shake. Oh oak oak-oak, shake my boys That in a sieve, then in the box, the hands, the feet, then the drums with his fists.
On Dzyady "bare" fried eggs - starch brew boiled milk, seven or eight
Magic card edge. BY Persons Adnak! Will Belarusian! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Black and white verses Fight gene dozen. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Be a Belarusian be a Belarusian 2 be a Belarusian 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays!
Culture of every modern nation is based on a foundation that was formed on the basis of ancient prakulturav i reaches deep old impregnated veravannyami in the supernatural nature of its manifestations i. Every nation has its own subconscious complex, based on these beliefs i representations that until today denounced the rudiments of the most archaic cultural layer. Traditional culture of Belarusians sanitization still retains a significant amount of ancient subconscious elements.
Since the very existence of man depended on the nature of our ancestors does not distinguish himself sanitization from the outside world. Subconscious mind brings together into one all that is happening around i (nature, animals, plants, heavenly bodies, elements, food, shelter, household items, tools, clothes other products i) adushavlyae i aduhovlivae it gives zvyshnaturalnymi properties. All events i components sanitization of the world total dependence linked to each other, uzaemavplyvayuts each other, represent a solid body. To support sanitization this body as a stable, orderly, integrated space system is pervasive sanitization rytualizatsyya life (life, work, family life, residence of calendar time). Each object sakralizavanay ethno-cultural space becomes not only a utilitarian function, but i symbolic meaning, supernatural properties sanitization i characteristics. Objects are objects i padelenymi human imagination to female - male (garchshok - pitcher), clean - unclean (horse - the wolf), useful - are dangerous. Some of them can be simultaneously in the same i, i in the second ipastasi: i fire flame, which can not only warm, sanctify, purify, sanitization but i burn, burn, destroy.
Objects things i endowed prazmernymi sanitization properties, could be the means of magic, divination, magic. Allocated objects with high semiyatychnym status (eg., A caravan, a mask). Such items require special treatment during manufacture already. Baking i decoration loaf, for example, was accompanied by complex regulations, restrictions, magic acts, so that he became a full-fledged symbol of a happy marriage.
Such objects of human culture as a house, oven, suit also had a strictly regulated form, structure, finishing. Each subject was produced with strict observance of the definition of "useful" technology creation, endowed with useful i dangerous qualities i only included in the human world.
As God drove the first man from Paradise, the man began to shiver. Here God told him to take two pieces of hard wood and rub them. As people listened to God and did something, and then the tree is lit and warmed man. Spied the devil, as a man warms himself, stole a bit of divine fire to a pile of scrap as dopek, duck fire hit with the same forest. Damn to bask like jumping into the fire, duck on the entire amount of wool paskverlasya, and he was burned as an hearth. From then he was so black that shines sanitization only to whites white teeth. I saw the devil that cares fire, and took him to hell, there to fire torment sinful souls. Those strikes fire and serves the people and evil.
Come to you, "Give me fire." "Brother, do not syagonya ..." I'll be there, sanitization sow rye, or a cow to drive on post, I will not. I in those days, when you start to do that, do not give. What will you do want to, then do not come. Other days you can, say, "The sanitization next day, ladies."
Under the white birch Palo cold dew, and the second honey, and the third gold. Icy will trample, honey will collect, gold will appreciate. sanitization Willow stands in the yard, on the willow - Golden dew. Arrived paradise birds, golden dew abtserushyli. Left-ran fair maiden, silk Hust sent out and rushed to Zolotarev. sanitization - You zlotnichki-nadobnichki, pour three nadobki. sanitization Nadobka Persha - gold ring; Other nadobka - rutsvyany crown; Third nadobka - Silk kaberats. Gold ring - by grace; Rutsvyany wreath - on zaruchanne; Silk kaberats - on shlyubavanne.
* A swing hung on any tree? * Two Pillars dig NOT column, and so on Cassini. And then a big fat shelf. * Board rather than the stick. * No. Lamaetsa board. Shelf same. * Well, leaves and sing songs. And already zakalyshuts that oh-e-she! High. And the ETA is low. Board. How to acceleration - so o-o-o-th! Neither sanitization so that children.
As I was tiny - waved Matulenka, Oh oak oak-oak, my dear girl. What began growing up - were the guys shake. Oh oak oak-oak, shake my boys That in a sieve, then in the box, the hands, the feet, then the drums with his fists.
On Dzyady "bare" fried eggs - starch brew boiled milk, seven or eight
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