Monday, July 28, 2014

During the stay Engels began reading the philosophy of Hegel, whose teachings had dominated German

Friedrich (Frederick) Engels was born in Barmen, Prussia (now Wuppertal, Germany) and died 28 November jan pro 1820 in London, England on August 5, 1895 at the age of 74 years. At that time the industrial expansion jan pro of the metropolis, as abak oldest of wealthy German cotton manufacturer. As he grew hubungannnya with ruanya became strained because of his beliefs. jan pro Due to family circumstances Engels dropped out of high school at age 18 and sent to work as an office clerk at a salary of non commercial house in Bremen, Germany.
During the stay Engels began reading the philosophy of Hegel, whose teachings had dominated German philosophy at the time. In September 1838, Engels published his first work, a poem titled The Bedouin, in the No. Bremisches Conversationsblatt. 40. Engels also engaged in other literary and journalistic. In 1941 Engels joined the Prussian jan pro Army as a member of the household artillery. This position moved him to Berlin where Engels attended college at the University and began to associate with groups of Young Hegelians. Engels anonymously published articles in the Rheinische Zeitung exposing the working and living conditions of workers jan pro in the factories had to endure. Editor Reinische Zeitung was Karl Marx. However, Engels never met Karl Marx they had a brief meeting in late November 1842. Throughout his lifetime, Engels would indicate that he was indebted to German philosophy because of its effect on the intellectual development of a remarkable quotation from that period.
In 1842, at the age of 22 years old Engels was sent by his parents to Menchester, England Ermen and Engels worked for Victoria Mill in Weaste that make sewing thread. Engels thought that his father worked at the company Menchester might make Engels reconsider the opinions he developed at that time on the way to Menchester, Engels visited the office Reinische jan pro Zeitung and met Karl Marx for the first time they were not impressed by each other. Marx mistakenly thought that Engels jan pro was still associated with the Berliner Young Hegelians, with whom he (Marx) had just broken.
In Menchester Engels met Mary Burns, a fierce jan pro young working woman with radical opinions with whom he began a relationship that lasted until his death in 1862. She never married, as both were against the institution of marriage, which Engels saw as unnatural and unjust cuts Fuel guided Engels through Salford Menchester and show him the worst districts for research. While in Menchester, Engels wrote his first economic. This article jan pro was called "Outline of a critique of political economy" and was written between October and November 1843. Engels sent the article to Paris where Marx published in Deutsch Jahbucher Franzosische where Marx now penerbitkan in Paris. Engels also wrote a three-part series of articles called "condition of England" in January, February and March 1844.
While observing jan pro the slums Menchester in close detail, Engels took notes of the horrors he observed especially children labor, polluted environment and overworked laborers and the poor. And sent back a series of articles to Marx, first for publication in the Rheinische Zeitung jan pro and then for publication in the Deutsche Franscosische Jahbucher, jan pro noting jan pro the condition of the working class in Menchester. Engels would later collect and publish in his influential book first, "The condition of labor in English class". This book was written between September 1844 and March 1845 and was printed in German in 1845. Within jan pro the book, Engels gave way to his views on the "grim future of capitalism and the industrial age", and described in detail, street after street, the total squalor which people work to live. The book was published in English in 1887.
While writing it, Engels continued his involvement with radical journalism and politics. He often some areas also often visited by several members of the UK labor and Chartist movements, whom he met, and wrote for several journals, including The Northern Star, Robert Owen's New Moral World and the Democratic newspaper review.
After a productive stay in Britain, Engels decided to return to Germany in 1844. On the way, he stopped in Paris since October 1843, following the banning of the Rheinische Zeitung by Prussian authorities Govermental in March 1843 in Paris. Marx and Engels met at Cafe de La Regence, Place Du Palais, August 22, 1844. Both became close friends and would remain so for their entire lives. At the end of May 1845 Engels published the English version jan pro of the first book of a quote:
Engels stayed in Paris, France u

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