Saturday, September 27, 2014

You keep the fatal locals felt the earth move under their feet in the year 2006 after a landslide s

FIREFIGHTERS inform us. 26 localities MEHEDINŢI PRODUCING HIGH RISK landslide | Information Severin
Firefighters Mehedinti draw attention to the risks posed by landslides, one of the areas affected being the town You keep the front where seven years ago many homes were destroyed by landslides.
You keep the fatal locals felt the earth move under their feet in the year 2006 after a landslide some that were completely destroyed and the people were left homeless. According to the spokesperson of the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU) County, sergeant Ramona Nistor four houses were completely destroyed. "As a result of the movement of rocks forming the hills there were several landslides were affected new homes. Four were completely destroyed. There's a risk of landslides after heavy due to water accumulation in soil. It is important that people take action soon finds cracks in buildings. "Said Ramona Nistor.
The same source added that the County are 26 municipalities with a high risk of producing landslides: Strehaia (subordinated villages), Bala, Bîcleş, Breznita of Motru Breznita bypass, Broşteni, Butoiesti, Căzăneşti, Grove, Floreşti Greece, Grozeşti, Hinova, Husnicioara, orchards, Malovăţ, Padina, Poroina Great Prunişor, Rogov Stângăceaua, Simian, Şovarna, Tâmna, Vlădaia, Voloiac.
In order to inform people about these measures, staff ISU Prevention Inspection "Drobeta" You keep the town on Tuesday went ahead. They tried to make the people to appreciate the situation anthem outlets in the event of landslides and thus contribute to reducing the effects of an emergency. The event was attended by members of the city Strehaia SVSU who distributed alongside military firefighters, folding rules of behavior during the production of landslides. According anthem outlets to specific legislation, citizens are obliged to acquire protection methods and rules of behavior in case of a landslide, participate in activities, intervention actions that are required and to comply with the measures and provisions established by the central and local. Landslides are often predictable events, usually after heavy rain in areas prone to these phenomena and progressive so that their development is done in a certain period of time sufficient to achieve protection measures. Informing and alerting the landslide is carried out by local authorities and the local and county committee with specific means of these types of actions. To receive information or signals about start slipping land in the area that could be affected will take the following measures: - Prepare to evacuate people, institutions and assets under evacuation plans prepared in advance; - Drop by authorized representatives - if necessary - the building of the power supply system, gas, water, anthem outlets heating, sanitation, etc. to limit any negative anthem outlets effects; - Supporting local bands intervention or county committee stop action, mitigation or deflection of the landslide in order to protect people anthem outlets and buildings, to minimize the destructive effects of the landslide; - The course of action under the local or county committee; - Will be taken into account official and local sources in law enforcement recommendations, avoiding information based on rumors; Upon receipt of the alarm signal when landslides anthem outlets which means that the landslide hazard can not be avoided, will take the following measures: Evacuation of people and goods at designated locations evacuation plans without taking unnecessary things and keeping calm; Compliance with the rules of living in safe places Committee county / local with local authorities and Red Cross Society will take steps to house and conduct of life; After stabilization of the landslide, the competent bodies will be an analysis of the damage and destruction caused to the building and property. Depending on the failure to take measures to start repair work and building, and in cases of destruction will take measures to build new buildings in other locations anthem outlets approved. Where appropriate, will take the necessary steps to obtain compensation through the insurance damage by landslides. anthem outlets
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