First, small aircraft - ATR propeller, then a slightly larger "small" Boeing. After two years you can finally on transatlantic flights! Dubai, Montreal, Toronto, New York, Sri Lanka. Eventually přibyde carpet cleaner hire charter flights and package holidays in the Caribbean - Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Mexico, El Salvador ... all to cheer happily combine with "dvojnlinkami 'in Europe - two flights per day, eg. In the morning and immediately to Paris to Riga - with longer night flights eg. to Egypt, Israel and Yerevan, or other deli-type carpet cleaner hire Moscow, where a performance standard for airport services - refueling - pays cans Pilsen, or otherwise nesosnete or Karlovy Vary, where Russia rides young honeymooners, but do not hit Cech on board.
You do not know what you're continent in which country and city you do not know what year it is, season, month, day, or hour perhaps, God forbid! The only thing you know is, what's your name, where emergency equipment on the aircraft, how long does a fire extinguisher and oxygen cylinder at a certain flow, where the pharmacy to which of them you may you and that only a doctor ...
In the closet you only have the clothes you need to move into work and stays on. The most important and almost the only part of your clothing is uniform and black pumps. Your life goes from plan to plan. (Flight schedule, which will at the end of the month the computer spits out, you know when and where the next month flying and when you get off. Relying on him but you can not because you changed every week according to the current needs of society - Ed. Author)
And lo and behold, I will not twenty, but thirty. Work is for you only automatic routine - dress, welcome, sit down, buckle, take off, feed, connect, clean, fun, rejoin, then once more to feed and water, clean up, buckle, land, goodbye, vyšoupnout, sleep in the hotel , welcome, sit down, buckle, take off, fed, watered, clean, entertain, connect again, then once more to feed and water, clean up, buckle, land goodbye, vyšoupnout, undress and go dom. Or welcome, sit down, buckle, take off, feed, connect, clean, land, goodbye, vyšoupnout, clean, prepare for the journey back, welcome, sit down, buckle, take off, feed, connect, clean, land, goodbye, vyšoupnout, go to aircraft, and again welcome to sit down, strap, take off, fed, watered, clean, land, goodbye, vyšoupnout, clean, prepare for the journey carpet cleaner hire back, welcome, sit down, buckle, take off, fed, watered, clean, land, goodbye, vyšoupnout , change clothes and go dom.
World Languages are gone, all you need to know is the phrase: "Sorry, no have." The men from the ranks of ordinary "mortals" you will not last because you are independent and self-sufficient, earn more than he does, you're always away or asleep, watch when he is asleep, your phone will ring at any hour of the day and night, and he will at all this may actually just be observed or sometimes we take on and bring the airport. Well, men from the "Foch" are equally impossible and insufferable as you do and are never at you when you need them.
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