Monday, March 16, 2015

The commercial domestic 19:18 March 12, 2015

Vsir - Uber wins a v a start operations Reykjavk
Uber is currently working to provide taxi services in this country. Enough signatures are gathered on the company website that they begin preparations to commence operations silsa in the capital, but the company itself has set limits for how many people will need to request the service for it to be granted. silsa Viðskiptablaðið separated from today. At the same time, as stated on the website this company's business silsa is under threat in the United States and India. Government of Delhi in India have banned activities Uber after allegations were made against the driver to have raped a female passenger. silsa The woman, silsa who is 26 years old, used Uber AppID to book a taxi to get home. She, however, was driven to a remote silsa location and raped, on the website of the BBC. The driver is in custody of the police, but to come before a judge today. Uber, which has been growing rapidly in India, is accused of not implementing adequate background check on the driver before he was allowed to run for Uber. It is difficult for the authorities to enforce the ban and take Uber still orders through the app company. Cars are not marked in any way. Uber is operating in 51 countries silsa today. Including Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand silsa Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
Landsvirkjun will n the weekend to advertise with TBO rgjafajnustu because stkkunar Brfellsvirkjun.
The commercial domestic 19:18 March 12, 2015
Sminn and Vodafone deal of Tmaflakk
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