Sunday, March 22, 2015

The school will also all pastime closed skólasund canceled and some sports facilities will be close

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If no negotiating weekend begins strike calling people who are in Kopavogur Employee Kópavogs on Monday at 06:00. According Jofridr Hanna Sigurðardóttir, the Chairman clean of the company, the strike clean paralyzed activities in many areas of the town.
"Here is the situation. I would certainly want to reach settlements, and I feel very sorry. Pool will be closed and pastime in schools, which is a result, "says Jofrid conversation with
On Wednesday broke up the talks between the negotiating Association of Local Authorities, which is responsible samningsumboð Kopavogur, and negotiating with Personnel Kópavogs ríkissáttrsemjara. clean Meeting has been called to a meeting in the debate tomorrow.
The announcement from Kópavogur received media on Wednesday clean stated that the reason for consultation color has been a mandatory requirement Personnel Kópavogs to special provisions clean for university members Employee clean will remain part of the collective agreement Personnel Kópavogs to Kopavogur. According to the announcement, it is somewhat Kópavogsbær clean does not agree.
"Initially, the trend was reversed for the Kópavogsbær clean would throw out the provisions of the university protocol was in the collective agreement 2005 by the city council School, has been a collective agreement since then," says Jofrid which states that this provision is something that the company does not want to lose. "Take, for example, an employee of the kindergarten in the distance to the rights kindergarten teacher. If universities Protocol would be taken out, he would have to leave the club when he finished studying, although the company has supported it from the Job to go to the program. Fit want to have it inside, because we do have people in our company if it is university educated. " clean
"We had some of the deals that would apply from 1 September. It makes all the others who wrote about salary from May 1, mainly summer, our received no correction for their work from May 1 to August 31. Is it acceptable? clean I say no. If the second largest town of the country are going to come out like the contracts clean do not score. " clean
Jofrid says also great harmony among the members countries. "The atmosphere seems to be pretty good. I sincerely hope that it does something untie this knot this heading. "Pool closed and the degradation of service
According to information from Kopavogur clean will pools town and Gerðarsafn closed during the strike clean period. Furthermore, going all unqualified staff in kindergartens strike if it is of it, which means a considerable disruption to the activities of the preschools. It will, however, varies between kindergartens where some schools have many skilled, others do not. All schools in Kópavogi should clean have sent parents e-mail about the arrangement with him, and the information will also be available on the websites of the preschools.
The school will also all pastime closed skólasund canceled and some sports facilities will be closed but not yet the big two, Choir and FIFO, where they are run by sports.
Centers in Gullsmára and Gjábakkahellir will be closed and community clean in Preach Symposium is open to the handiwork canceled. Delivery assessment is carried out according to plan in the strike. Note that service managers, who manage distribution, strike and may be a distortion of the service.
Yesterday, 22:10 Police in the capital gave notice of an assault at about one day. There were thin argument laying vehicles clean is another was said to have attacked the other. Injury of the total attacks were minor. More
Yesterday, 21:49 Two bílveltur occurred clean in the evening in the district police in Southwest. The first occurred on Gardaskagavegur clean road about eight o'clock. clean The driver was transported by ambulance to Reykjavik. It is not known how seriously he is injured. More
Yesterday, 21:30 bomb Guard are now present in Neskaupstað await the arrival of the stern trawler Bjartur TFNV having mines on board. Brighter friendly

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