Have you ever wondered how all can be soaked mattress in the bedroom? More difficult to believe. In fact, sleep on it, just not the bus, park bench or public toilet. And yet, you know what you find in it? Allergens, dust, viruses, window cleaner sweat, bacteria, fungi. window cleaner That's why sometimes sneeze, but you have no cat in the house and you do not have a cold!
Not to have health problems, window cleaner you should clean your mattress. Here's an easy way. You need 200 grams of sodium bicarbonate, a jar, a vacuum cleaner and a few drops - about 4 say - of lavender oil. Mix baking soda with lavender in the jar, then sprinkle on the mat and leave it. After an hour, suck every inch mattress. Not only you will clean, but you will have a peaceful sleep, because window cleaner lavender has a relaxing effect.
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