Sunday, November 2, 2014

The mold is a living organism that lives in warm and moist areas and is dangerous to our health. If

The mold is a living organism that lives in warm and moist areas and is dangerous to our health. If your clothes get mold the best thing to do is to act immediately, because the longer stay in the fabric, the more quickly will weaken and will rot. Other ways to help get rid of it!
If you have a fabric mold the first thing to do is to see if there is a risk to your faded fabric during the cleaning process. Take a white cloth with a little water and rub the fabric. If not faded then you can proceed with cleaning your garment. how to clean windows
Make a mixture of 1 cup buttermilk and 1 gallon of cold water. Soak the cloth or fabric how to clean windows during your overnight therein. The next day put it in the washer with cold water and detergent to you. Logically mold has gone.
Noticed mold on clothes because you forgot how to clean windows to spread out or put them in the dryer? You can make a mixture of 1/4 cup of salt, 1/4 a lemon juice and 1 cup hot water. Make a thick cream made from these ingredients and put the fabric. Rub the cream in the points appeared mold and let the cream for half an hour. Finally xanaplynte in the dishwasher properly.
To remove tough stains from your clothes you can make a mixture of 1/2 cup alcohol, 1 tablespoon liquid detergent for clothes and 3 cups water. Put them all together in a spray bottle and shake to mix well. Spray stains how to clean windows locally how to clean windows before normal wash in the washing machine. This solution is also effective to keep away the mold Stis curtains how to clean windows your bath. If your fabric is white then the most effective weapon against mold is bleach. Put 1 1/2 cups of bleach in 2 liters of water and let the garment soak in for about 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water and put it in the dishwasher regularly by washing with cold water and your detergent. how to clean windows Whatever you apply the above to be extra careful as the molecules spread of mold easily. Better clean your clothes outside the house and then let them dry in the sun. The sun combined with heat helps effectively to kill mold.
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