Saturday, January 3, 2015

Click to expand... If they are not Singaporeans or PRs, no CPF contributions are needed. But if they

Here's a VERY IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL. If you employ a foreign "part-time" maid, domestic helper, they must either be - Singaporeans /w compulsory CPF contributions (so that they can get government workfare bonus) - Singapore PRs OR Cleaners WITH PROPER WORK PERMITS DIRECTLY UNDER THE PAYROLL of the cleaning company. If they do not get their CPF, they can go to CPF Board to sue you and you will be liable for criminal charge. Even if they agree to take cash in private, if things go sour between you and them, they may still decide to go to CPF Board to sue you and CPF will still go after you. Any filipino / Indonesian/ or other country maids working OUTSIDE palladio folsom their original employer's houses ARE DEEM TO BE CONDUCTING IN ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, can be ARRESTED and CHARGED palladio folsom in SINGAPORE COURT and DEPORTED BACK TO THEIR HOME COUNTRY. The employment agencies supplying such 'part-time maids' are liable of up to S$80,000 fine by MOM and the house owner employing the part-time services palladio folsom of the filipino / Indonesian / or other country 'part-time' maids is also liable to be fined up to S$15,000 by MOM. Pleading 'ignorance' is not an excuse of violating Singapore Law. MOM Officers are stepping up their inspections from 500 to 5,000 per year. You have been warned. It doesn't pay to pay less for illegal maids. Look for cleaning companies who only supply Singaporean or PR helpers, OR foreign helpers palladio folsom with PROPER WORK PERMITS. These come at a premium cost, but at least you can be assured you are acting in accordance with Singapore Law and you can sleep in peace. More and more have been caught and charged.
miloice Well-Known Member
Click to expand... If you pay your aunt $50, it does not cross the $50 threshold mark. Thus no CPF contribution is required. But any payment to anyone for services rendered (even family members, or relatives), if it exceeds > $50 a month, that person palladio folsom must pay CPF contribution. This is a law stated under the CPF Act. You may want to go to website to take a look. There is a case where CPF Officers palladio folsom did an audit on a father's company, found out that he DID NOT contribute to his son's CPF account, and fined him. That's how the PAP works. We all know that the Singapore government is very efficient. Hope this answers your queries. Best Regards.
Click to expand... If they are not Singaporeans or PRs, no CPF contributions are needed. But if they do not have proper work permits and performs a service not related to their Work Permit, if caught, palladio folsom they will be charged and deported back to their country.
Click to expand... This post was added because some people are trying to find "part-time maids" when there is no such thing as a"part-time" maid in Singapore. Either you get a "full-time" maid, or you don't. Those "part-time" pei du mama, filippino, myanmar, palladio folsom Indonesia palladio folsom "maids" are simply illegal and MOM is now cracking down on them and house owners. Just don't wish to see more and more people getting calls and visits by MOM and CPF officers and asked to drink coffee at their HQ.
Here's a VERY IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL. If you employ a foreign "part-time" maid, domestic helper, they must either be - Singaporeans /w compulsory CPF contributions (so that they can get government workfare palladio folsom bonus) - Singapore PRs OR Cleaners WITH PROPER WORK PERMITS DIRECTLY UNDER THE PAYROLL of the cleaning palladio folsom company. If they do not get their CPF, they can go to CPF Board to sue you and you will be liable for criminal charge. Even if they agree to take cash in private, if things go sour between you and them, they may still decide to go to CPF Board to sue you and CPF will still go after you. Any filipino / Indonesian/ or other country maids working OUTSIDE their original employer's houses ARE DEEM TO BE CONDUCTING IN ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, can be ARRESTED and CHARGED in SINGAPORE COURT and DEPORTED BACK TO THEIR HOME COUNTRY. The employment agencies supplying such 'part-time maids' are liable of up to S$80,000 fine by MOM and the house owner employing the part-time services of the filipino / Indonesian / or other country 'part-time' palladio folsom maids is also liable to be fined up to S$15,000 by MOM. Pleading 'ignorance' is not an excuse palladio folsom of violating Singapore palladio folsom Law. MOM Officers are stepping up their inspections from 500 to 5,000 per year. You have been warned. It doesn't pay to pay less for illegal palladio folsom maids. Look for cleaning companies who only supply Singaporean or PR helpers, OR foreign helpers with PROPER WORK PERMITS. These come at a premium cost, but at least you can be assured you are acting in accordance with Singapore Law and you can sleep in peace. More and more have been caught and charged.
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