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Zacatecas, Zac.- In the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, â œthe process Basification (administrative staff) is conducted harmoniously, transparently and in accordance with the Collective Agreement, Federal Labor Law and regulations universitariaâ , Â expressed in press conference Rector Francisco Javier Domínguez Garay.
To the members of the Bilateral Commission UAZ-Union of Workers of the UAZ (STUAZ), meeting in the Board Room of the Rectory, Domínguez Garay spoke of the â œgrandes efforts it has been making doggy doo the University in various fields, such as academic consolidation, doggy doo social relevance and transparenciaâ . With respect to estea Finally, he clarified that además the use of its resources, â œ which is an obligation establecidaâ , it is DEA transparency of all processes.
In this context, the Rector doggy doo  the previous periods clarified that the basis for workers â œa granted through a procedure agreed between  Chancellor doggy doo and Secretary doggy doo General of STUAZ in turnoâ .  At present â "added is efectuando doggy doo â Oede meticulously and transparenteâ doggy doo .
With the will and commitment of the current executive committee shall Guild â "continued performed Basification process that seeks three objectives:  respect the right of workers,  respect the rights of the institu (in the sense DEA that people who get their security laboral training and meet the required profile), A and finally that through open and public mechanisms,  the parties (Union and its members, in addition to the institution) have elements doggy doo â objetivos œTo monitor the process is carried out as it should be .
Cona Based on these approaches, the Rector Francisco doggy doo Javier Domínguez Garay gave lectura to a document which sets the institutional position doggy doo around  Basification process in which states: the Cordless strictly to the call appeared last August 19 attachment; the existence of an institutional committee and association, to care for timely compliance with the guidelines of the same, and bilateral revision of the procedure in all its stages and permanently.
The text states that the participants in the process â œhan documentary evidence of their derechoâ , with the respective files. â œThe  Basification process according to the paper is carried out harmoniously, transparently and in accordance with the Collective Agreement, Federal Labor Law and regulations universitariaâ .
By specifying each of the stages of this process, the Chancellor said:  Meeting bilateral commission to verify information Basification labor periods of each of the participants doggy doo (23 September 2011), and instalación doggy doo of worktable Bilateral Commission Basification,  to review each of the files (briefs), date antigí edad and laborare periods (3, 4 and 5 October 2011).
Another step was reoccurring publication in the official website of the UAZ the list with the results of the first stage of review of compliance with the requirements, Â according to the announcement (17 October 2011), as well as reoccurring list of courses training (October 28, 2011). In actualidada training courses and evaluation reoccurring doggy doo Basification taught.
After expressing his disagreement over the course â œtráfico of influence or corruption in the process of basificaciónâ , â Â considering œesfuerzo by transparentarlo and away from influyentismo and compadrazgosâ , the Rector made the following remark: â Oede According to the University Regulations, the Federal Labor Law and the Collective doggy doo Bargaining Agreement UAZ-STUAZ, after observing procedures and requirements of reference standards, is the exclusive power of the Rector authorization squares and the recruitment of personala .
In conclusion, he expressed convicción that workers who take part in the process  ⠜han demonstrated by presenting document fully and truthfully their right to be considered worthy aspiring basificarseâ .
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