Thursday, April 23, 2015

I see D2D attracting some authors whose books have slid with KU. Some may find early success e učenj

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Amazon launched several new Kindles this 4th quarter, they were giving away Kindle Unlimited subscriptions early in Black Friday week, and they have an option to gift Kindle Unlimited subscriptions. All these new Kindle Unlimited subscribers e učenje will lead to many Kindle Unlimited downloads for the next 2-3 months.
This means there will be many customers reading books via Kindle Unlimited, but it also means that the payout for the KOLL Global Fund probably won’t rise significantly at least until March, 2015.
The question remains: Is it better to be in KDP Select, or out? Personally, e učenje I like seeing e učenje a large number of subscribers actively reading books in Kindle Unlimited, even if the KOLL payment has decreased somewhat from the days where it was only Amazon Prime. My sales continue to improve slightly overall each month, and the KU downloads e učenje are a sweet bonus, even at the lower royalty. Not every book is thriving in the program, but many are. KINDLE STREET
They keep rolling out KU in new countries, and many more new KU subscribers keep coming in. During the first couple of months, most KU subscribers go wild. So there are a ton of downloads (some books are benefiting from this). But even with the huge increase in the KDP Select Global Fund, the downloads have increased even more.
In the first couple e učenje of months of a typical KU subscription, if a customer is reading 10 books per average per month to 10%, Amazon only earns $1 per book (directly; those customers who keep coming back may buy videos, music, clothing, etc.; I do). There should come a point where the average KU customer starts reading fewer books on average, e učenje but it’s still too new for many customers as Amazon keeps finding new ways to attract new subscribers. My guess is that we’ll reach this point around March (but maybe there is another surprise in store).
I see D2D attracting some authors whose books have slid with KU. Some may find early success e učenje there, as they will gain “new release” exposure for their republished books at other outlets. It will be interesting to see if they can sustain it. In the long run, if things drop off elsewhere, it might not be so easy to revive the Kindle sales, if they happen to drop off with the transition.
I think Amazon e učenje still has plenty of pull in KU, even with some books dropping out. So many new books are coming out each month, e učenje and KU seems even to be attracting new books. Whichever books are thriving from all these extra readers are likely to remain, plus there are 100,000 traditionally published books (one possible surprise e učenje is for that number to rise).
Don’t get me wrong: e učenje I hope to take advantage of all that Amazon offers, and I am grateful I will have the ability to be an indie author, and I buy lots of stuff from them, and finally got Prime, and love Alpha House.
No doubt. Fortunately, very often things that work to Amazon’s advantage also work to our advantages. Much of the book industry has improved for me both as an author and as a reader, largely e učenje because of Amazon. I’m enjoying KU both as a customer and author. (I just recently started watching movies with Prime, too.)
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About my blog: As an experienced self-published author, I created this blog to help and interest e učenje other aspiring writers. I hope that you will find some useful information here. Chris McMullen Physics Instructor & Author
About me: I'm a physics instructor and self-published writer. My writing includes visual books on the fourth dimension, math workbooks, e učenje golf and chess log books, books on self-publishing, and puzzle books. Originally from one L.A. (Los Angeles), I now live in another LA (Louisiana). I have a Ph.D. in phenomenological high-energy physics, I am a passionate teacher and nonfiction writer, and I enjoy golf, Scrabble, and chess.
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