Friday, April 24, 2015

Richard Bracken believe that the lack of understanding among managers, leading to the belief that t

Mental illness is now the commonest cause of sick leave. Despite this, many employers who are at a loss when problems occur well in their workplace. An open dialogue, better routines and clear leadership called for by experts.
It has been called the scourge of our time. Mental illness is now the leading cause of long-term sick leave and we meet more frequently by black headlines that warn that the problem only increases. Sick leave costs society and businesses big money and for those affected, it may take many years to get back to work. Despite this lack many company procedures and policies to address the problems and knowledge among managers is often inadequate. It says Richard Bracken, project manager for the National Association Brain Koll, who works for increased openness about mental illness.
- Managers in our surveys say that "mental illness is common but not at my workplace". They talk for a bit about mental illness in the workplace and the lack of procedures and policies in organizations to deal with these issues, he says.
Richard Bracken believe that the lack of understanding among managers, leading to the belief that their particular workplace is spared from the problems, because it is an erroneous impression that people living with mental illness is such bad shape that they do not work on a workplace.
- It is absolutely wrong. It can start with the fact that sleeping badly and gets concentration e gradiva difficulties. The most common reaction is to just struggling on and then you may not see the problems outwardly, says Richard Bracken.
Even in the Union's latest Occupational Outlook Survey, employers e gradiva bad rating and accused of failing to take responsibility for the psychosocial work environment. But Anna Bergsten, who works with health and safety issues at the Confederation of Swedish e gradiva Enterprise, e gradiva disagrees.
- There may of course look different on different companies but I know that prioritizing these issues. It is obvious that employers want employees who are happy and when given the chance to do a good job, she says.
- Stress and workload are more difficult to put on. It stressed that a person may not be stressful to another. It can also be difficult e gradiva to distinguish what has been the work place, and what is related to privacy. It can be a difficult balance to strike, the employer may not always be interfering e gradiva in their hired private life, she says, adding quickly.
That it is difficult issues where shoring is required to certify by Agneta Setterwall, leadership consultant at Market Cap Group. She has noticed an increase in demand among leaders how to work preventative against mental illness. e gradiva
- It formed a culture in the workplace, often based on the leader. One should consider how small, practical resources e gradiva can create a work environment where people thrive. Many managers think this is an HR responsibility but as a manager you have a responsibility to raise these issues, she continues.
That as leaders to be clear, communicate expectations and define and track targets, believes she is also important to reduce stress, and ultimately mental illness among employees. But the first step to take may sound simple but is a threshold for many managers.
Leadership Tips for a better psychosocial work environment: Be clear and communicate e gradiva expectations, define goals for each individual and follow them up. This allows employees the right priorities and knows what to spend time on. Unclear expectations creates stress and leads to mental illness. Work with self-leadership and think of yourself e gradiva as a role model for your employees. Raise these issues in the workplace. Creating an open discussion. We are our arbetsmijö! If you suspect that an employee feels bad - dare to ask. Source: Market Cap Group, Agneta Setterwall
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