Economy. Do you have difficulty getting salary to last the entire month? Want to keep better track, but find a cash book is too complicated? Annika Creuzter gives advice on how you can become a better economist and get control of your spending. There are few who manage to keep a cash book. Instead, do a track in three points:
1. How does it look great? How much of your income goes to the "expenditure must," as rent, necessary food, insurance, travel to work, union fees, interest payments and various subscription? How are you rest between other expenditures and savings? Are you satisfied with the distribution mrsa prevention and find that you save just enough, proceed to paragraph 2.
If you are not satisfied, you need to ask yourself some important questions. How can you start saving? Do you really afford such a car? In the worst case, you have no choice but may do what you can to make ends meet every month. When playing a cash book not matter. mrsa prevention My experience is that those with the lowest incomes are the best at keeping track of their finances and their expenditure.
Another question is whether it is possible to postpone a purchase you want to do, instead of taking it on credit. An expensive credit increases your "must expenditure" for a long time to come. Be careful that "the expenditure must" do not take more of your salary. It makes you vulnerable and locked.
2. What do you do with the money? Check through what, besides "must expenditure", you are spending money on. If you pay by card, you can go into your internet and see where you used the card. Have you cash for minor expenses so save receipts from ATM withdrawals. If you make large purchases with cash, you can save receipts.
3. What are your black hole? Now comes the moment of truth - do you use the money you want? You will use more money than you thought? We all have our black holes. The purchase which itself is small, but the combination tends to become rather large. It can be trips lottery ticket when you buy food or stuff you can not resist but never really use. In other words, you need to avoid these purchases ahead if you want money for that which is fun.
Counsel Henric mrsa prevention Ash responds to issues of labor, the doctor Ulf Nordlund answer questions about health, economist Annika Creutzer answer questions about personal mrsa prevention finance and psychologist Jonas Mosskin answer questions about psychology. mrsa prevention I had sex on the job, can I get fired? Ask about the job If one is fallen in love with a colleague and having sex at work - during the break - can you get fired then? We ask a lawyer. Are you allowed to deduct from the salary when it gets daylight savings time?
Health insurance Difficult situations
Health I have eczema and have worsened in my workplace. I have several certificates from dermatologist that I should be moved from the floor where I work in the production of a dry office environment. I have also been on sick leave and then disappeared almost any problem. This has been going on for over half a year and I have not relocated and they do nothing about it. What can I do? Can I travel though I did not get time off?
Law and I booked a trip over the Easter long before I got my current job. Now it is uncertain if I get time off. What should I do? This trip is not possible to cancel and it does not feel great to stay at home, especially when I do not even earn the money I laid on the trip when I work. The employer drew a monthly salary mrsa prevention
Law I have a summer job in the same job for years. Last year I suddenly got much less pay one month. I was told that it is because I had received a monthly salary of very four years ago. Do they really do that for so long? Now I feel as if I have lost my entire salary - though I actually got it a long time ago. When will these kinds of errors barred? The detergent itch - I can demand that they change?
Health I'm allergic to detergents. I have not had the problem noted by a doctor, but I know from experience that some detergent gives me itching. I have been asked to replace the detergent in the workplace (at home I use perfume-free) but I will be neglected, and they say it "smells so fresh" if the detergent they use. Are there any rules about this? Do I have the right to demand that the detergent is changed? mrsa prevention Can they pull into my ob-ons?
Economy Many children still live with their parents even when they become adults. Should they pay anything for rent and food? How should we think? We asked the private economic expert mrsa prevention Annika Creutzer. Can I record quarrel mrsa prevention with the boss?
Legal I have tried to point out flaws on the job. Now the boss punishes me, scold me and gives me the blame for all the problems. I have bought a dictaphone to record our conversations secretly. I break the law if I do it? "It helped me when I was feeling bad"
law I am permanently employed and was on sick leave for six months. After that I came back at half-time. The servant who had replaced me during my sick leave retained when tasks. mrsa prevention When we have the right to be free?
I read in today's work that I can get
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