Sunday, January 5, 2014

csttsada Fight Apathy, this is for everyone, the call is a critical engagement (constructively), ac

Our commander president once talked about a date (2021) that he was the most suitable and most suitable to start talking a solid socialism in Venezuela, dead animals the revolution in our country to reach its maximum expression requires a series of steps leading to the Venezuelan people to feel, live and breathe dead animals a life style socialist.
It is true that there is currently impairments that can make many people think that the XXI century socialism does not exist, but the reality is: It is about changing the mindset of an entire society that has dragged impairment with IV Republic which left rubble of a country.
But changing lifestyle of a society dead animals is not something that is achieved overnight and is something that can not be cut half way, it's like the dialysis process which consists of cleaning of blood through dead animals a cycle that separates impure substances leaving the purer blood may help the heart so it can work normally, and is a process that can not be cut in half of your cycle.
We are currently in the process of dialysis of a society, a process that takes time and each of us has a specific role and in which we have a responsibility to participate and make this process consolidates and completes its cycle. dead animals
We must begin with ourselves, change internally; This is not to say I am a socialist for using red shirt, red cap and say I am Chavista, trying to develop a human face, ie humanist that can build the new man, with new human values dead animals , moral and ethical.
Our battle is to show that the new socialist dead animals ethics allows us to work to build a society where we can actually have new public servants, with new leadership, with citizens and governments really committed to civility, socialism and humanism, of learning dead animals to live community, respecting each other, respecting nature and the environment.
csttsada Fight Apathy, this is for everyone, the call is a critical engagement (constructively), active protagonist to help strengthen the personal attitude and capability of every working man and for the formation of an individual with power of leadership, socio-political formation, self-esteem, personal growth can cope better every day before a, family, school and social work context. View my complete profile

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