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About About The Worship Studio Leadership Advisory Board How We Got Started Resources “In the Studio” Radio Show Books/Resources housekeeping duties Audio Teaching housekeeping duties Articles Videos Communities General Information The Network Events Our Core Events Gathering housekeeping duties of Artisans 2013 – Prophetic Art Conference Prophetic housekeeping duties Creativity housekeeping duties Retreat Unlocking Experience Course Gathering of Artisans Scotland Donate Contact
Stories housekeeping duties From The Studio: Creative Breathing by Gabrielle Dearman 12, 07, 2012 / Category River Oaks: Stories from the Studio , The Kingdom / Posted By housekeeping duties theworshipstudio / housekeeping duties No Comments.
Our conversations at the River Oaks Artists Group this week seemed to frequent housekeeping duties the subject of “breathing” throughout the evening. housekeeping duties Not just breathing in of itself, but, more so creatively breathing as a result of being in a collaborative connection with God and others.
Amber LaSada shared her experience with taking voice lessons from Nancy Simmons. During the lesson, Amber realized a challenge she was having. She had to learn to physically housekeeping duties breathe more efficiently to increase the quality of her singing. That started us off talking about how physical breathing housekeeping duties parallels a spiritual breathing that must take place in our creative process. It also launched a great discussion about how we need to be connected in with the Lord and those around us who can help collaborate with us in our creative process. When we cooperate in the creative housekeeping duties process, it results in a reflection of the Glory of God.
Shawna housekeeping duties Rash and Pattie Hale spoke about their experience with the painting class Pattie has been teaching and Shawna has been attending. The most recent class assignment was exploring housekeeping duties composition. Pattie was teaching Shawna how various compositions in art invoke different feelings and ideas. As Shawna and Pattie continue collaborating with each other, Shawna’s skill level grows, and it helps her be able to “breathe housekeeping duties out” the creative and spiritual anointing that she wants to express.
“Art is essentially inner conceived in the artist’s imaginative intelligence in response to the inspiration (in-breathing) of a seed idea that, if it reflects truth, has ultimately been sown by God. Moving through a gestation period, this seed idea grows in the soil of the imagination, taking in nutrients from various housekeeping duties sources, then flows from the mind to some arena outside the artist (the page, the word processor, the canvas, the stage, the musical instrument) where it is captured, crafted, and finally presented. At this point it assumes meaning for other creative intelligences who are nourished, delighted, and enlarged housekeeping duties by the images. The creative idea has jumped the gap from mind to mind through art.”
As I’ve reflected on that excerpt from Luci Shaw’s book, and the stories and discussion from Monday night, I have been in an attitude of awe and thankfulness to have found such a profoundly housekeeping duties miraculous depth of life through creative collaboration with my Creator, and fellowship with those around me who help shape my skill and anointing in my artistic expression. And I am humbled that I get to be part of this creative ecosystem by sharing the knowledge and experience and my artworks with those around me. We all breathe together and keep our creativity thriving. “Stories housekeeping duties from the Studio” is our weekly series by Gabrielle Dearman where she will be sharing about the happenings at River Oaks – The Worship Studio’s local creative housekeeping duties community housekeeping duties here in Asheville. Check it out each week as Gabrielle shares highlights from our local artist group meetings, community days, workshops, and all the other great things happening in our creative community.
Post Tagged with Art and Faith , Artist Group , Asheville , Breath For The Bones , breathe , breathing , Christian Art , collaboration , connection , Creative Community , creative process , creativity , Gabrielle Dearman , Luci Shaw , Matt Tommey , North Carolina , painting , Pattie Ann Hale , Prophetic Art , River Arts District , River Oaks , The Worship Studio , worship housekeeping duties art
The Worship Studio Blog Categories Artist Development (15) Creative Communities (5) Ground Breakers (1) Music (8) Prophetic Art (20) Prospering Artists (16) River Oaks: Stories from the Studio (22) The Kingdom housekeeping duties (71) Visual Art (5) Wholeness & Healing (8)
The All-in-One Event Calendar core theme files are out of date and the calendar has been temporarily housekeeping duties disabled. To enable the calendar, an administrator must log into the WordPress dashboard and follow the instructions. Blogroll Unlocking_the Heart of the Artist
Recent Blog Posts Select Month December 2013 (2) November 2013 (1) September 2013 (2) July
About About The Worship Studio Leadership Advisory Board How We Got Started Resources “In the Studio” Radio Show Books/Resources housekeeping duties Audio Teaching housekeeping duties Articles Videos Communities General Information The Network Events Our Core Events Gathering housekeeping duties of Artisans 2013 – Prophetic Art Conference Prophetic housekeeping duties Creativity housekeeping duties Retreat Unlocking Experience Course Gathering of Artisans Scotland Donate Contact
Stories housekeeping duties From The Studio: Creative Breathing by Gabrielle Dearman 12, 07, 2012 / Category River Oaks: Stories from the Studio , The Kingdom / Posted By housekeeping duties theworshipstudio / housekeeping duties No Comments.
Our conversations at the River Oaks Artists Group this week seemed to frequent housekeeping duties the subject of “breathing” throughout the evening. housekeeping duties Not just breathing in of itself, but, more so creatively breathing as a result of being in a collaborative connection with God and others.
Amber LaSada shared her experience with taking voice lessons from Nancy Simmons. During the lesson, Amber realized a challenge she was having. She had to learn to physically housekeeping duties breathe more efficiently to increase the quality of her singing. That started us off talking about how physical breathing housekeeping duties parallels a spiritual breathing that must take place in our creative process. It also launched a great discussion about how we need to be connected in with the Lord and those around us who can help collaborate with us in our creative process. When we cooperate in the creative housekeeping duties process, it results in a reflection of the Glory of God.
Shawna housekeeping duties Rash and Pattie Hale spoke about their experience with the painting class Pattie has been teaching and Shawna has been attending. The most recent class assignment was exploring housekeeping duties composition. Pattie was teaching Shawna how various compositions in art invoke different feelings and ideas. As Shawna and Pattie continue collaborating with each other, Shawna’s skill level grows, and it helps her be able to “breathe housekeeping duties out” the creative and spiritual anointing that she wants to express.
“Art is essentially inner conceived in the artist’s imaginative intelligence in response to the inspiration (in-breathing) of a seed idea that, if it reflects truth, has ultimately been sown by God. Moving through a gestation period, this seed idea grows in the soil of the imagination, taking in nutrients from various housekeeping duties sources, then flows from the mind to some arena outside the artist (the page, the word processor, the canvas, the stage, the musical instrument) where it is captured, crafted, and finally presented. At this point it assumes meaning for other creative intelligences who are nourished, delighted, and enlarged housekeeping duties by the images. The creative idea has jumped the gap from mind to mind through art.”
As I’ve reflected on that excerpt from Luci Shaw’s book, and the stories and discussion from Monday night, I have been in an attitude of awe and thankfulness to have found such a profoundly housekeeping duties miraculous depth of life through creative collaboration with my Creator, and fellowship with those around me who help shape my skill and anointing in my artistic expression. And I am humbled that I get to be part of this creative ecosystem by sharing the knowledge and experience and my artworks with those around me. We all breathe together and keep our creativity thriving. “Stories housekeeping duties from the Studio” is our weekly series by Gabrielle Dearman where she will be sharing about the happenings at River Oaks – The Worship Studio’s local creative housekeeping duties community housekeeping duties here in Asheville. Check it out each week as Gabrielle shares highlights from our local artist group meetings, community days, workshops, and all the other great things happening in our creative community.
Post Tagged with Art and Faith , Artist Group , Asheville , Breath For The Bones , breathe , breathing , Christian Art , collaboration , connection , Creative Community , creative process , creativity , Gabrielle Dearman , Luci Shaw , Matt Tommey , North Carolina , painting , Pattie Ann Hale , Prophetic Art , River Arts District , River Oaks , The Worship Studio , worship housekeeping duties art
The Worship Studio Blog Categories Artist Development (15) Creative Communities (5) Ground Breakers (1) Music (8) Prophetic Art (20) Prospering Artists (16) River Oaks: Stories from the Studio (22) The Kingdom housekeeping duties (71) Visual Art (5) Wholeness & Healing (8)
The All-in-One Event Calendar core theme files are out of date and the calendar has been temporarily housekeeping duties disabled. To enable the calendar, an administrator must log into the WordPress dashboard and follow the instructions. Blogroll Unlocking_the Heart of the Artist
Recent Blog Posts Select Month December 2013 (2) November 2013 (1) September 2013 (2) July
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