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vision, core values, the Estonian School Managers Association, Mait Raava, Innove ... + Vision, core values, the Estonian School Managers Association, Mait Raava, Innove ... + Vision, core values, the Estonian spring cleaning School Managers Association, Mait Raava, Innove - Categories: spring cleaning Education in, Conferences, Continuing Education
Why I'm in charge of your school? What is the voice of my heart? How do I proceed on the values in formulating the school's traditions? How do I use their authority in setting the values? How do I include all the values kokkuleppimisse team? Since the stated spring cleaning values correspond to reality, ie the values which we actually proceed? Questions had to be myself, had to look for answers as well as ourselves.
Mait Raava explained that the core values of the organization's policies everlasting. Values are saying, what we believe and how to behave, corresponding to the question, why do we (or the specific school) are available. Core values manifest themselves in the organizational culture. Basic value may not be much, because then the focus is lost, and the values of the time remain. Place Development is how the values are presented.
How to keep the fundamental values? Recommendations for school leaders: to increase the glory of its predecessors, the core values, listen to your heart and answer why you do your school administrators, the school's core values to achieve consensus among its leadership, not in sync with your team, do not just talk about basic values.
Discussed in the second half of the day, which may be the reason that the school does not have a vision or it is written down only after a fashion. The reasons why not to write the vision, and to live only for today, a day, takes over: unfavorable economic conditions, constantly changing legislation, school closures and the like.
Mait Raava stressed that the vision of the organization for 10-30 year development target. Advice for school leaders: see the big picture, understand spring cleaning the complex and rapidly changing ambient processes and recognize the community's future demands of school, decided the most important thing for 10-30 year development issue and formulate on the basis of an ambitious goal, to decide to whom, for what's new and how your school offers, avoid ebarealistlikkust , is confident and convince everyone else to carry out the vision.
The second day of the conference were foreign visitors hers. School management and development experience in the field of education for school leaders shared the Finnish Association president Cygnaeus longtime director of the school, the International School of directors of the Community board member Ari Pokka, and the Danish Association of Chiefs of school board member, director, Torben spring cleaning Kvaglundskoleni Moerup.
When Ari Pokka 1998th spring cleaning Cygnaeus year of high school, became Director, it was a normal school in Finland. spring cleaning Today however, Finland is the most eesrindlikemate schools among their results, as well as the school's culture. School is characterized by caring and respect to students, international atmosphere and value-centered leadership. Presentations at international conferences, school management Pokkat Ari has led to more than 30 countries.
Torben Moerup is responsible, inter alia, the Association of Danish school spring cleaning principals and school leadership for network managers. As the head of the school is operated in four different school almost 20 years.
Headmasters two-day educational conference was held in the Estonian Association of School Directors and the Foundation Innove ESF program "Raising the qualifications of teachers of general education, 2008-2014 'cooperation.
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